Thursday, November 12, 2020






Books are the heart and soul of humanity.

In them, are recorded the comings and goings of 

people, both young and old. History is 

fascinating and exciting to read. Though I do a lot

 of research and prefer reality to fiction, I

 really DO enjoy reading fiction from time to time.

Sometimes fiction turns out to be just as

 true as reality!


In relaxing for an hour last night before going to 

bed, I read from a book featuring some of

 the best Pirate Stories.

In the large volume I came across the first chapter

 of “Treasure Island,” (Robert Louis 

 Stevenson). The featured opening chapter details 

the trials and tribulations caused by an 

 irascible Pirate who takes over an Inn run by a

 harried mother and young son. When they needed

  help, the fearful and cowardly neighbors were

 nowhere to be seen.Thanks to an inquiring 

and honest Magistrate and the efforts of the boy, 

the matter was brought to rest.



I have pictured here, the drawing of the Pirate. 

Notice the cruel, deep-set eyes, the down-

 turned criminal type mouth, the ugly

 countenance of the man and his overfed and

 drugged stature which testifies to his lifestyle. 

That was several hundred years ago.

It is no different TODAY. We have different clothes

 and technology, but the hearts and souls

 of man has not changed one twit from those of this

 Buccaneer of old! The Clintons, the Bushes, the 

Nadlers, The Schiffs, The Finesteins, the Comeys,

 the Brennans, the Bidens and hundreds of others

 like them are EXACTLY like the Pirates of old.

 People are afraid of them! They serve their own

 interests FIRST and could not care a twit about


My good friend “Joe Biden,” could be the perfect 

“poster-boy” for an "Alzheimer’s Institute!" In his

 honor, I have penned a parody which I hope you




Twas the night before “Election Day,”

and all through the Graveyard, the Devil had his say.

“Lift all your lids,” he roared, “and sit up in bed,

the Election Machine needs to be fed!”

So the dead and the gone,

came up with a creak and a groan.

Pretty soon the ballots were spinning

and his favorite candidate was a-winning!

Down at the courthouse, the Devil made sure

that those on the Roster of Maiden Games,

would cast their first vote so secure, 


returning home to vote their Married Names!


In the back room was the counting board;

the Devil cranked up the Ballot Machine so old.

“Be sure to count them all!” the Devil roared.


And dutifully, the ballot numbers soared!

Down at Border The Devil made certain

That the “illegals” got their say in the matter.

They lined up behind the curtain

and “voted” before they did scatter!

Quote the Devil: “If you want to win an “election,”

“We don’t need ‘anybody,’ just a Machine and a Ballot,

a few careful and clever useful idiots in selection,


and soon the results I want come out at a gallop!”


Harald Scharnhorst



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