Tuesday, November 26, 2019



I am embarrassed.

I really am.

I EXPECT utter

stupidity from elected officials.

I am seldom disappointed these days...

...but I am EMBARRASSED!

The Hags of Hazzard County!

Did you ever see a more motley crew of idiots in your life? They look like hags of the worst sort, and in my estimation, have zero redeeming quality as human beings. There isn't ONE STATESMAN-LIKE quality displayed in those faces! The fact that they are WOMEN, is even more embarrassing. BUT THESE WOMEN have no shame at all. They SAY anything, and PROSTITUTE themselves for the most ridiculous causes.

It isn't just these WOMEN, either. What about the clowns that ELECTED them? What is their excuse? Maybe the time has come to go back to the old system of only letting PROPERTY OWNERS vote. They had the superior quality of voting for what was good for all. After all, what is good for property owners is good for renters and others! 

We have gotten to a point in America, where people vote for what they WANT, and not for what they NEED. Property owners normally take care of their own and the spill down effect worked like a charm. Now that any idiot can vote (one-man one-vote) there is nothing but loony-ism at work! Letting prison inmates, teenagers without any life experience and illegal immigrants vote, only adds to the insanity!

It isn't just the women. What about this sorry excuse for a MAN? 

This guy is not just a loony, but looks like one. Look at those EYES! 

Here is man (Representative Adam Schiff) who leads the "impeachment inquiry" into President Trumps "behavior." He cherry-pocks witnesses, hides the name of a so-called "whistle-blower," (Eric Ciaramella) who is nothing but an apparent fraud and does everything he can to make innuendo and opinions count as facts.

Another Loony BEZERKLY "instructor" 
goes "off the rails..." 

This is a young fool (Jackson Kernion) with no experience in life who is an "instructor," and maintains that rural people have made poor life choices and are not worth much. He objects to rural folks looking down on city people! I wonder where this idiot thinks that FOOD comes from, if it isn't from the group he so loudly condemns?! You can read about him here:


When people have lost the ability to think sensibly for themselves and have no power of discernment, there is not much hope for progress.....

Everyday there is more and more examples of "unhinged behavior" by those who call themselves human beings. I don't need to cite them all. There just to many!

Happily there are those of us that forge ahead with life and don't give a "hoot" about what these mental midgets think! In the long run, it is those who have their heads screwed on correctly who will be the winners.

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Photograph: Not Fall, Not Winter!

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