Tuesday, December 15, 2020





Harry M. Hoxie was an American Patriot who believed in people's right to choose their own treatment for disease. He was literally hounded to death for 35 years by so-called "authorities." The picture and caption above is taken from the back cover of his book YOU DON'T HAVE TO DIE. It was a best-seller at the time

A few days ago, I responded to a post on GAB, the social media, with my comment about SCIENCE and how it was not always a credible thing. I cited how science thought world flat at one time and even thought "bleeding" (think George Washington) was a "cure" for pneumonia! I also had the gall to mention Hoxie and Nolfi as examples of "Science" gone haywire. Hoxie we will cover here, Nolfi maybe another time. She was, for the record, a Danish Doctor who, 100 years ago was forced to demonstrate her (self) cure for cancer in front of Supreme court of that nation. She won, much to the consternation of "Science!"

Anyway, someone chose to call me out and suggest I was pushing conspiracy theories regarding Hoxie. Not accurate. I decided to make a larger post on the matter and also am featuring it to my blog here.

Here is what I wrote on GAB:


The other day a GAB user labeled me a CONSPIRACY THEORIST!

My crime?

I DARED to question “SCIENCE!”

I always do.

Here is a detailed look….

Science is imperfect and there is more proof daily. Just take a look at

the vaccine scam: Full of holes and dangers. A doctor in Portland,

Oregon has his license suspended for conducting and reporting a

health comparison between "vaxed" and "non-vaxed" children! The 

CDC is supposed to do that, but they don’t!!

Scientific methods should be based on repeatable observation and

logical thinking. Unfortunately, surveys are often manipulated,

especially where MONEY is involved! The more money and power,

the worse the result.

When I was a boy, the American Medical Association was a

POWERFUL doctor’s lobby. Their word was LAW; Their head was a

little repulsive Jewish rat known as Morris Fishbein. What Fishbein

said was also LAW! He had a column in the papers regularly and was

promoted throughout the land as an AUTHORITY on anything and


Small problem.

He was forced to admit in court he had failed his exam! To my 

recollection, Fishbein never had a practice, but was boosted to a 

position as editor of the AMA Journal anyway!

There was a horse doctor named Harry Hoxie who treated animals

for a living. He had a salve and ointment and medicines that 

contained an unknown number of “herbs and spices” (please pardon

my bad humor!). He was eventually asked to treat boils and sores

ON PEOPLE and agreed to try. People got well. Pretty soon he had

to open an office. People with sores came to be relieved of their 

symptoms. Pretty soon he ventured into "Dangerous Territory!" He 

helped out CANCER PATIENTS sent home to die by their doctors!

Oh oh! Bad “crime!”

Fishbein went into hysterics: He made Hoxie an instant national

CANCER QUACK. The press dutifully repeated every word:

EVERYBODY knew that only APPROVED methods could be used

to treat cancer, ANYTHING ELSE was suspect! If you want to read

about how dastardly the US Public Health Service and the American

Medical Association treated him, his book YOU DON’T HAVE TO

DIE is a classic. It is out of print, but it is probably available 

somewhere. I feature the FRONT and BACK covers here. His back

cover contains an impressive quote; it’s fun reading. If you exchange

the name “Hoxie” for “Trump,” it was the same tactic that was used, 

just 70 or more years apart!!

Suffice it to say, Hoxie never solicited patients of doctors. He did not


after doctors either could no longer help a patient, or the patient ran

out of money! He had scads of people knocking on his door 

clamoring for help. He even treated some for free. Not many doctors

do that. They can’t afford to.

So what was the big deal? People were no longer patients anyway, so

why not try ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING to see if it worked?

Nope, can’t do that! The AMA ran like scared rabbits into their hole!


Hoxie was raided; his records taken so he could not defend himself. 

Fortunately, he was able to start over with the help of friends and 

well heeled supporters whom he had treated. Next he was accused of 

NOT TREATING cancer, but instead something else. He hired 

licensed Medical Doctors who preformed all the diagnosis. That

only made the Fishbein madder, and the doctors who worked for

Hoxie were hounded to death, forced to leave or lose their licenses! 

There was no trick low enough that these people would not use to 

discredit and destroy Hoxie. In the long run (decades) it ruined him.

Eventually, Fishbein went too far and ended up being royally 

discredited in court. Even the American Medical Association was 

actually embarrassed and decided that Morris Fishbein had outlived 

his usefulness and he rode off into the sunset. JURIES REFUSED 

TO CONVICT HOXIE, and even honest reporters reported fairly for 

a change!

Hoxie found a home in “backwater Mexico” as my critic called it

The place he chose was in the hills near Tecate, Mexico, noted for

mild winters and orange groves. The clinic was left to do its business 

and thrived. I recently had a friend who returned from there, a better 

man. When people run out of options, they try everything. Makes 

sense to me!

Interestingly, people who think Mexico is a “backwater” country, 

don’t seem to have any problem going there for vacations at fancy 

resorts! Drug cartels are a huge problem, but Mexican rural folks are

just plain NICE! 


End of GAB post.


As a matter of interest, everyone needs to make up

their own mind when their lives are on the line.

FREEDOM OF CHOICE is everything.

When something is "hounded to death," or 

"suppressed to death" or "censored to death"

a reasonable person might correctly conclude

that there is "skullduggery" at work!




and make up your own minds in all matters

of Life and Death....! I know I will and I do!


Front Cover


Back Cover




and Produced


 Harald Hesstvedt Scharnhorst 

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Sunday, December 13, 2020







 My Father and Mother chose not to inoculate me again after adverse reactions.

 It was the right decision for us.

It has always been obvious to me that vaccination is a racket. The idea of shooting dozens of poisons into babies and children on a regular basis over the years does not make rational sense. The SCARE TACTICS used to justify this are endless and boundless. And well-meaning parents fall for this time and again!

The following is a verbatim quote from NATURAL NEWS:

(Natural News) The Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the National Institute of Health (NIH) refuse to conduct any study comparing the unvaccinated child to his/her peers. While HHS is legally obligated to conduct safety studies every two years and report to Congress in accordance with the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, it was admitted in a 2018 court ruling that none of these vaccine safety studies were ever conducted over a thirty year span!


Why would CDC, DHH and NHIH promote this crap? Because it means a huge customer base that lasts a lifetime. These victims of quackery become addicted to chemicals and medical treatment for disorders that need not have happened in the first place!

Back to Natural News:

This medical fraud has enabled the rise of a predatory vaccine industry and a growing number of recommended childhood vaccinations. However, as childhood vaccinations increase, the health of American children has not improved in the past thirty years and respiratory infections are rampant. Visits to the pediatrician have skyrocketed, with chronic health issues becoming a normal way of life for many. A whopping 54 percent of children and young adults in the U.S. now suffer from chronic illnesses that lead to life-long pharmaceutical prescriptions.


Natural News again:


A new study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health finds that UNVACCINATED children are far healthier than vaccinated children. As the rate of vaccination increases, so does chronic health issues such as asthma, allergic rhinitis, respiratory infections, eczema and a host of other health problems. The study, titled, “Relative Incidence of Office Visits and cumulative Rates of Billed Diagnoses Along the Axis of Vaccination” shows how childhood vaccination causes an increasing number of pediatric visits and an influx of diagnoses. The research followed 3,300 pediatric patients for ten years and was conducted at Integrative Pediatric, a pediatrics practice in Oregon run by Dr. Paul Thomas, M.D.

If you would like to read the full article, you can find it here (copy and paste into your browser):


We know many who were NEVER vaccinated. Even though exposed from time to time to childhood diseases in others, these children never developed any problems. The fact is that in most instances, children develop a certain amount of herd immunity by being exposed to other children. They also carry in their blood the antibodies from their mother, especially if nursed as nature intended!


You can, of course, make your own decisions in the matter. But when half the population develops life long problems after being vaccinated, the odds of having expensive problems is very acute. And in such a case, the answer to whether or not one should vaccinate becomes an easy choice.




the Blogger


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Monday, December 7, 2020









Once Upon a Time there was a Fact-Checker who was so good he

 became a Master Fact-Checker!

His boss made him head of the department of “Fact-checking and

 Com-nudity Standards Enforcement.”

He was so good he could fact-check in an instant.

One day, an honest reporter who was curious as to WHY this guy

 was so “good,” showed up to interview Mr. Fact-Checker!

“Tell me your secret, Mr. Fact-checker!” said he. “Just HOW do

 you do it?”

Fact-Checker leaned back in his chair, like Pinocchio, his nose

 grew a bit longer, and he said,

“Why it’s very simple, stupe! I JUST MAKE EM UP AS I GO 

ALONG!. You see, there is no such thing as a “fact” because they

 are all arbitrary. Today’s “fact” is tomorrows “conspiracy 


And today’s “conspiracy theory” becomes tomorrows “fact!” My

 purpose is NOT to be CORRECT or to INFORM, but to

 INDOCTRINATE! And I just LOVE indoctrination!

“Gasp!” said the honest reporter, “Isn’t that dishonest?!”

“Dishonest?!” screamed Mr. Fact-Checker. “What are you, one of

 those crazy moralizing Christians or Hindus that have BELIEFS

 and PRINCIPLES?! Why you people are THE problem in the 

World! We have a MANDATE to stamp out such rubbish! WE

 know what’s best for all of you and WE have ways of making sure

 OUR ideas are followed TO THE LETTER!!

“My God,” said the honest reporter, “I must report every word you

 said. People need to know about this!”

“You can DO that,” said Mr. Fact-Checker, “but if any of this

 appears in print, I will see to it you are fired for having sex with a

 two year old and you will never work again! And I know where

 your family is, too!”

The honest reporter was shocked. “But I do not do things like that

 to two year olds!” he protested.

“That will be up to you to prove!” snarled Mr. Fact-Checker!

“But it’s INNOCENT before proven GUILTY!” protested the 

honest reporter.

“Not in OUR NEW WORLD!” smirked Mr. Fact-Checker.

“What does your world stand for,” asked the honest reporter.

“Well since you asked and are now not going to report it, I will tell

 you. WE want to euthanize all those useless eaters over 75, make

 pedophilia legal, control everything you can say, mass vaccinate 

you with whatever we wish to limit the population, and herd you 

around like cattle so we

 can get the most out of you! WE will decide when to give you

 permission for anything and everything, we might even make you

 have a “BREATHING LICENSE” so every breath you take can be

 taxed! As you can see, we have been planning this for years and 

now, finally, we are within inches of our glorious goal!”

The Honest Reporter left the office and thought it all over. Then he

 did the “right thing” and tore up his notes, because after all, he

 HAD SEEN THE LIGHT: it is always better to be a “slave” than

 to fight for your rights and freedom…….











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Friday, December 4, 2020









This healthy specimen was a sturdy Sapling when Christ walked the


....it was a mature Tree when the Phoenicians came to the New


It was a growing Giant when the Vikings made their epic voyages….


It was a Giant when Columbus came to the America….

…and when the Europeans came in droves to California in the

1800’s and tried to harvest this Tree’s Brothers, they found it too big

a task with too many broken Trees to be profitable….

It was still a Giant when in the 20th Century, European World Wars

ravaged the land….

It was standing tall when, as a high school student, I visited on a 

February day. Snow was six feet deep and it was Raining “cats and 

dogs,” the Sun was breaking through the Mist and red color flooded

the Land….


I have never gone back again....

....but it still stands tall. If this creature could talk, oh, what a Story it

would tell about the comings and goings of us all….


Written and Photographed

 by the Blogger




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Thursday, November 12, 2020






Books are the heart and soul of humanity.

In them, are recorded the comings and goings of 

people, both young and old. History is 

fascinating and exciting to read. Though I do a lot

 of research and prefer reality to fiction, I

 really DO enjoy reading fiction from time to time.

Sometimes fiction turns out to be just as

 true as reality!


In relaxing for an hour last night before going to 

bed, I read from a book featuring some of

 the best Pirate Stories.

In the large volume I came across the first chapter

 of “Treasure Island,” (Robert Louis 

 Stevenson). The featured opening chapter details 

the trials and tribulations caused by an 

 irascible Pirate who takes over an Inn run by a

 harried mother and young son. When they needed

  help, the fearful and cowardly neighbors were

 nowhere to be seen.Thanks to an inquiring 

and honest Magistrate and the efforts of the boy, 

the matter was brought to rest.



I have pictured here, the drawing of the Pirate. 

Notice the cruel, deep-set eyes, the down-

 turned criminal type mouth, the ugly

 countenance of the man and his overfed and

 drugged stature which testifies to his lifestyle. 

That was several hundred years ago.

It is no different TODAY. We have different clothes

 and technology, but the hearts and souls

 of man has not changed one twit from those of this

 Buccaneer of old! The Clintons, the Bushes, the 

Nadlers, The Schiffs, The Finesteins, the Comeys,

 the Brennans, the Bidens and hundreds of others

 like them are EXACTLY like the Pirates of old.

 People are afraid of them! They serve their own

 interests FIRST and could not care a twit about


My good friend “Joe Biden,” could be the perfect 

“poster-boy” for an "Alzheimer’s Institute!" In his

 honor, I have penned a parody which I hope you




Twas the night before “Election Day,”

and all through the Graveyard, the Devil had his say.

“Lift all your lids,” he roared, “and sit up in bed,

the Election Machine needs to be fed!”

So the dead and the gone,

came up with a creak and a groan.

Pretty soon the ballots were spinning

and his favorite candidate was a-winning!

Down at the courthouse, the Devil made sure

that those on the Roster of Maiden Games,

would cast their first vote so secure, 


returning home to vote their Married Names!


In the back room was the counting board;

the Devil cranked up the Ballot Machine so old.

“Be sure to count them all!” the Devil roared.


And dutifully, the ballot numbers soared!

Down at Border The Devil made certain

That the “illegals” got their say in the matter.

They lined up behind the curtain

and “voted” before they did scatter!

Quote the Devil: “If you want to win an “election,”

“We don’t need ‘anybody,’ just a Machine and a Ballot,

a few careful and clever useful idiots in selection,


and soon the results I want come out at a gallop!”


Harald Scharnhorst



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