Wednesday, November 23, 2022



Are you Thankful? If you are “privileged,” you should be!

What is a “privileged” person? One who can WORK by the sweat of his brow. If you can create, make, produce and be a productive individual you are surely privileged!

Ancient peoples, and some modern ones too, especially those with ties to agriculture KNEW what real privilege was and is. Springtime was a time of starvation. Lots of pretty flowers, but little food. Fall, on the other hand, is when the harvest came in and food was plentiful. The work of the summer was behind and larders, basements and pantries were stocked for another season.

Such people had regular festivals with plenty of food and drink, and family, friends and neighbors who gathered together to have a “festival!”

The story of the Pilgrims and the Indians is typical. We celebrate a combination of things when we gather for thanksgiving. It is natural for people to pay homage to God for the plenty and it is natural for people to gather and celebrate. The Germans have their Oktoberfest, other lands the same, though they are named differently. The gathering of rice, wheat, rye and millet was always a big deal in the lives of many such peoples.

In the recent modern vein, certain communists and “wokie-dopies” spread the vicious rumor that such festivals are “exploitative.” Nonsense. But those who spread lies like that are the “exploitative” ones and they need to go back in their “closets.” They will never be happy with anything THEY have, and think they are entitled to everything YOU have. If they believe their system is so good, let them go to Cuba, Venezuela or Zimbabwe for a real education!

If these people ever get “full control” of you and me they will turn everything into a hell hole…..

Be thankful for what you can produce. Be thankful for family and friends, for business and work in general. Be happy for HEALTH, because that is the best blessing of all. Money cannot buy it. It is not how MUCH you have that matters, but rather WHAT you do with what you HAVE!

Celebrate and be thankful, not just during this time of the year, but throughout the days of the calendar.

Happy Thanksgiving Week!

Posted by the Blogger

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Wednesday, November 2, 2022



It has been a wild and interesting ride.

For me, the last 81 years have been filled with all kinds of adventures, accomplishments and experiences.

Western writer Louis L' Amour perhaps put it best in one of his short stories. He said that in the course of a man's life "he does many things!" Indeed!

On the first of November 2022, I received probably the best birthday present that any writer can ask for. To have articles placed in print in an International Magazine is nice, to have books published is also nice, but to have a major publisher of politically incorrect books actually CARRY it and promote it, is a whole new level of accomplishment.

It is a natural fit. For years, I have written some interesting articles for The Barnes Review History Magazine, they did the technical work to place AN IMMIGRANT REMEMBERS in print, so it is natural their bookstore on line will now carry the title.

My thanks to them and to Paul Angel, my editor, for all his help and assistance! This ad will now appear in the November/December issue of The Barnes Review.

Be sure to order your copy today!



The Blogger

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