Monday, November 22, 2021



On Being Thankful!

Every people in the World has a Thanksgiving festival of sorts. Sometimes they are religious, sometimes not. But it is common celebrate the good fortune of a great harvest. Agricultural peoples the World over are happy when the crops are in. It provides a feeling of completion, of peace, of wealth, and the knowledge that there is food for all!

On my Facebook Page I posted the following the day before Thanksgiving:

Some people ask me what I am thankful for this Thanksgiving. I like to say I am just as thankful on Thanksgiving as I am every other day of the year!


Most agricultural people are thankful for a good harvest, knowing they have food for the coming winter. So, a Farmer is always closer to God than anyone.  Modern Man has lost his way in that sense. The more he separates from Nature, the more his way becomes tenuous…...


I am thankful I have received and use the power of discernment, which allows me to make stable and good decisions through life.

I am thankful for a sense of peace without fear.

I am thankful that I can think for myself.

I am thankful I am not “politically correct.”

I am thankful I am not a “slave” of false ideology and false commandments of men.

I am thankful for the understanding to never “go along just to get along.”

I am thankful for the understanding that every land needs a housecleaning from crooks from time to time. It may not be pleasant, but it happens over and over again. It needs to happen again…..

I am thankful that I have enough sense to stay healthy as long as possible.

I am thankful for my mistakes, because from them I can learn better ways.

I am thankful for learning from the mistakes of others so I do not have to repeat them myself.

I am thankful to be able to help others when I can, and when they allow it.

I am thankful for the love and help from others.

I am thankful for my extended family.

I am thankful to know enough to stay away from despicable, lying and thoroughly evil politicians. Most of them serve masters different from me/us.

I am thankful I worked in media at one time and know their evil ways.

I am thankful to have basic religious understanding.

I am thankful for the ability to recognize false prophets, to avoid them and never blindly follow them.

I am thankful for the understanding that Christ was a true Rebel for all the right reasons and how few understand Him or His lessons.

I am grateful to those who censor me and call me names. They only confirm my correctness.

I am thankful for those who make fun of me. They teach me how to give as good as I get!

I am thankful for learning not to try to convince anyone of anything, but simply give them the tools to make their own mistakes…

I am thankful for the knowledge that “stupid does as stupid is!”

I am thankful to use medical knowledge WHEN it is needed, but stay away when not needed.

I am thankful I have the good sense not to be somebody’s “lab rat.”

I am thankful I do not watch television. It is a Roman Circus run by very evil men (and women).

I am thankful for the ability to design and create.

I am thankful for the ability to know when I need help and when I do not.

I am thankful for basic honesty.

I am thankful for understanding the difference between money and value.

I am thankful for a very well developed sense of humor.

I am thankful for the gift of tongues. Languages are keys to higher learning.

I am thankful for my friends in other lands!

I am thankful for the gift of a "good eye" for many things.

...and last but not least, I am thankful to be able to stick around and watch the Circus of Mankind move backwards and forwards…….



and produced by

Harald Hesstvedt Scharnhorst

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