Thursday, October 21, 2021




This is a personal article some of you may find interesting. Getting to be eighty years is a milestone in any life. I have seen and done many things. Here I take a look at old age vs young age and also feature some pictures from different aspects of my life. I hope you enjoy them and maybe get something worthwhile out of it all!)

I looked in the Mirror the other day..


...and was “horrified” at what I saw!


Gees, I am getting to be an “OLD FOSSIL!” I am now EIGHTY!

Whatever happened to that cute, innocent little “kid” I once knew??!

There is an advantage to becoming an “old fossil” of eighty. We have a hell of a long life full of experiences that are, frankly, priceless! But don’t make the mistake of preaching to 20 year old “plums” about how “smart” you are! They will place their finger under their nose, kick their head back and go “Nyyyyaaaa!” They only have five or so years of “experience,” but they know it all! After all, they went to “caw-ledge” where they learned all about 57 genders, “ways-ism,” “gas chambers” and all those good things! They learned about “e-quality” and how it is better to “demand a handout” for a living than to (shudder) “work for it!”


An old farmer I once knew told me he always hired “teeners” (15-25 years old) while they still knew everything! I also knew another old farmer who said you cannot teach a “new fossil” OLD TRICKS. When I suggested you cannot teach an “old fossil,” NEW TRICKS, he smiled and simply said “The old tricks last, the new ones don’t!”


This montage features babyhood, Father and I, Mom, sister and I Passport Photo, Father, sister and I leaving Norway for the US, Me in the Captain's hat, Me in a Southern California Park, "Bucky" the Billy-goat and me, Me as a photographer sitting on a rock, Photo Assistant in a major photo studio in Fresno, California, Me at 16, picture courtesy of Maxwell Studios.

The nice thing about being an “old fossil” is you soon realize there is NOTHING NEW UNDER THE SUN! Everything that happens on a regular basis has happened before. THAT IS A WELL KEPT SECRET OF LIFE! Some people figure it out quickly, some are slow learners and some NEVER figure it out!

Me on  the steps of the Fresno County Courthouse, High School Graduate at 16, Our Family dog and I, Mom dad, sister and I before entering military, Basic Training  and Army Official Photograph of Outstanding Trainees. (I am fourth from the right in the back row.)


I remember Harry S. Truman who became president when I was a boy.  His White House desk had a sign on it that proclaimed: THE BUCK STOPS HERE! Likely story!


When he ran for office, he was the Pendergast Gang lawyer from Kansas City. “Tom Pendergast is my friend,” he said! He was also a judge. While Truman was a “Dummocrap,” his “opponent” was a “Republocrap!” His name was Thomas E Dewey and he was considered the mobster’s man from Tammany Hall, the New York Syndicate! While people lined up passionately on both sides of the contest and watched the mudslinging, only the smart ones knew it was a phony battle between mobsters all for the benefit of “voters” who had no idea who they were voting for or what the hell was going on!


Hey, it is not different with “swamp killer” Trump who hired more swamp-rats than he got rid of, warp speeded the pandemic right along, while hair-sniffer Joe was standing in the wings to finish the job Nobama started! It has been like that in EACH AND EVERY ELECTION in between. Some of you know it, some of you are realizing it and the rest either don’t know or don’t give a damn! Ya cannot save anybody; they have to do that for themselves.

American Military life in Europe. US Army Photograph features my CO handing meg a Savings Bond as "Soldier of the Month." Kennedy Graffiti picture was taken days after President Kennedy was assassinated. The local communists spray painted graffiti on the power connection to our Communication Facility!


One thing that people tend to forget is that EDUCATION and LEARNING are NOT the SAME. Knowledge can be earned and learned in many ways. It can be gained through books that are storage vessels of knowledge. But sometimes it is best gained through observation and experience. People also tend to forget that what they think they know is often the product of what they have heard and what others want them to know.


But as a smart man pointed out recently, it is NOT WHAT YOU KNOW that is most important, but rather the things YOU DO NOT KNOW! He who realizes that and looks to improve his knowledge by STEPPING OUTSIDE THE BOX, will in the long run be the one who makes new discoveries and is not afraid to QUESTION EVERYTHING HE THINKS HE KNOWS!

My Mother and I in business, My Cessna Airplane and new car, Plane and Car on Radio Station business, DJ and Newsman in San Diego Radio Market, Sound and music recording for movies, The Monster "mockup" used in the film "The Crater Lake Monster." The "Goodyear Blimp." as a promotion and San Diego's Lindberg Field seen from the blimp.


So being 80 is a wonderful time of life. By now, we either understand “the game” and avoid it and forge our own path, or we don’t!

A deer gets behind our fence and I pick him up! My two children visit the Redwoods. We build a House.  The children plant potatoes in the garden. A big snow (1996). Rafting a small stream. Thor and the Falcon that ran into our window. Inga and her cat and a family portrait.,


For the record, I will try to make it to 90; I can’t wait to see what will happen next. I can assure you, most of it will not be a big “surprise!” But there will be surprises from those who are not afraid to discover things they know not!

Thank you for reading our post and for looking at a lifetime of pictures...

Written and composed 


Harald Hesstvedt Scharnhorst

and photographed by 

a variety of contributors 

to the family archives!

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Sunday, October 17, 2021






Justin Trudeau of the family that "runs" Canada, recently got himself in "trouble" just before the recent "election." It seems he dressed as a "Blackface" a time or two back in the days he was a dorky teenybopper! Today, that is a big NO NO! Although "ex post facto prosecution" is illegal in the United States, that does not keep the "Woke Mob" from having a hernia over "Blackface." In spite of my dislike for the Trudeau family and their insane policies over the years, I still do not like to see anyone falsely accused or maligned.

Notice the effort Trudeau went to in order to make the COSTUME detailed and believable!

Here is another one of Trudeau's "Blackface" pictures. He says he does not remember how many such pictures there are and whether or not they will "surface!"

So, what WAS "Blackface," anyway? Frankly it was a COSTUME! It was very popular at high school get togethers! I never played the part, but played many other roles in school and even my high school senior year. I played a "woman" once, for instance. My mother stuffed the back of my rump and the front of my chest with PILLOWS to simulate the "other gender," and I cavorted around on stage much to the amusement of everyone. The pillows kept "sagging," of course, and I struggled to "keep them up!" We did not have many OBESE people back then, so there were few who were "offended." Many would dress as clowns, pirates, pilots, Winnie-the-poo, the Tin Man, the Wizard of Oz and a host of others. Some were pretty darn clever. A Negro youth (that is what they were politely called back then) dressed up as a "white man" in "Whiteface!" He used CHALK to paint his face! This lad was a joker of the finest order and he got a richly deserved "barrel of laughs." NOBODY found it "upsetting!"

But, in today's insane world where everything is upside-down and inside-out for EVIL REASONS, "Blackface" is a horrible "sin!" It is funny to watch supposedly mature adults spout this rubbish! It is helpful to KNOW that in the 1930's there were practically NO BLACK ACTORS. If you wanted a black actor, you got a White or Jewish man to dress up as "Blackface!" AMOS 'N ANDY was an extremely funny, funny radio show about black families and their foibles. The character voices all spoke "plantation English," and sounded just like the real people! The show was a favorite among both blacks and whites. The audio cassettes of ALL the old radio shows can be found on and bought off the internet! Walt Disney Studios was one of the first to combine animation with live actors in SONG OF THE SOUTH. Disney today hardly even acknowledges the great show, but copies can be found for sale on the internet. The show features an almost all black cast of elders and youngsters with beautiful music ( ZIP-E-DA-DOO-DAH for example). The show was a big hit! Uncle Remus was the featured 80 year old black man who told his folk tales to black and white youngsters alike.

These are screenshots taken from the SONG OF THE SOUTH trailer you can find on the internet!

 The stories were rich in folklore, morals and lessons. The COMPLTE TALES OF UNCLE REMUS in book form (over 700 pages) is available for purchase on the internet, but marginalized and suppressed by by cultural idiots. The book is a classic of classics and features lots of "line drawings."

Here we feature the Front Cover Jacket of THE TALES OF UNCLE REMUS and an example of illustrations using the "line drawing" technique.

 During the same time frame, along came GONE WITH THE WIND, a classic movie of the Old South based partly on the book by William A. Fletcher, who enlisted in the Confederate Army, called REBEL PRIVATE: FRONT AND REAR. I have written published articles about him and the movie. The movie featured a black woman who played a leading role. She even got an award for her performance in GONE WITH THE WIND. Today, Hollywood is so full of "black performers" it is way out of proportion to reality!

The front cover of Fletcher's book, written years after the War between the States.

But it gets better!

Did you know the STATE OF CALIFORNIA published "Blackface, too??! It is easy to prove! In the 1950's, a California State textbook called "MUSIC HORIZONS 5" (for fifth graders) featured all the great American patriotic songs, The Star Spangled Banner, The Marines Hymn, Columbia the Gem of the Ocean, America the Beautiful, music from around the World, cowboy songs from the Old West (one written by students at a New Jersey school, no less!), Civil War Songs and so on. One of them "DIXIE," was featured on pages 186/187. You will notice "Blackface" used in the picture on page 187! These were men dressed up in costume, typical of the day and times! I only have a copy of this rare volume because the state was destroying them at the time to make way for new material. I managed to salvage a copy and it is now a treasured historical book in my research library!

The California State Textbook, Front Cover, the Copyright Page (1950) and the two pages featuring "DIXIE" in typical "Blackface" costume!

Today, "DIXIE" is a "bad deal," so they tell us. But it is not true! Abraham Lincoln loved the tune and made it FEDERAL PROPERTY just before he was assassinated! The story can by found in Burke Davis' book about the South. I have copied the cover (still in pristine condition) from my research library and the two pages that refer comments Lincoln made about Dixie! Look at the bottom of the first page and follow the rest of the story at the top of the second page. He said that now that we "own the South," we will show them we can "keep their song" and "they can too!" This sort of a story drives the "Woke Crazies" even crazier! Even naïve Lincoln could never have foreseen that more than 150 years later, the "Woke Insane Asylum" would find "DIXIE" a bad deal!

Burke Davis' classic book about the South and the two pages describing Lincoln's feelings about the song "DIXIE!"

So, now that you have learned some truths about "Blackface," you can stop listening to the sadists who try to make political hay out of innocent costuming.

Leave "Blackface" alone where it belongs It's COSTUME and to suggest otherwise is a fraud.....

Written and Produced


Harald Hesstvedt Scharnhorst

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