Monday, November 9, 2020

Some Impolite Observations on the "Election!"





The "Media" is "calling" the election of Joe Biden as President in the United States of America. Unfortunately, it is NOT the job of the "Media" to "call" anything. But they do a good job of rigging everything and cannot be trusted. 

1) The outrageous polls which have been bandied about for months were not just WRONG, they were outright lies.

2) The decree to which the "Media" has gone to marginalize Donald Trump as president is unprecedented in my lifetime.

3) The left has been in a dither for FOUR LONG YEARS with one story after the other about phony "Russian Collusion" and a host of other nonsense. Donald Trump has been used as a "poster-boy" and "whipping-boy" without letup or shame.

4) President Donald Trump was subjected to a totally silly impeachment, which rightfully, went nowhere. That did not keep the prosecutors from making noises about trying it again. It is a giant CIRCUS!

5) The left, Marxist types, are staging riots and burnings in our largest cities without regard to race creed or color or political orientation. Police do nothing! Nothing! The Marxists are there to overthrow the country, nothing more and nothing stops them! This is totally staged from my point of view.

6) Software which was used by different "swing" states have glitches in them to miscount everything. Suddenly, ballot counts which favor Trump miraculously turned into Biden counts. Videos have surfaced showing tampering and tossing of ballots along roads, dumpsters and the like. It turns out that Pelosi and Finestine may have an interest in the company that manufactures these types of software! That needs to be thoroughly investigated for possible treason.

7) The crooks have been so blatant in their disregard for decency and the law, one has to wonder whether this is staged to force the election into the Supreme Court. So far, Justice Alioto has agreed with Pennsylvania that the votes need to be counted over and care taken to only include legal ones, not those added by the "vote packers!"

8) People who have been misled into thinking Biden won, when nothing has been decided, are not likely to be happy IF things should go to Trump!

7) With threats of violence made openly, such a scenario would allow uprisings of a devastating and evil kind that likely could result in military intervention. Possible? Oh yes! Likely? Also yes.

8) The Social Media with Gandalf  "look-like" (Jack Dorsey) and Facebook and Twitter censoring everything in sight, it is plain that there are some real sinister things going on. The alternative media was hit with DOS (Denial of Service) actions repeatedly. GAB, the free-speech network which has their own servers, has survived up to now.

Here is a look at two opposing points of view from two social media posts. I am not identifying the people who posted, because they are irrelevant. It is the COMMENTS they made that count!

First, lets hear from the "retard!"

Once again a President my young kids can listen to,

a person of character and compassion too,

He offers hope and unity,

for our entire community,

'tis a refreshing cool drink of water that's long overdue.

Another social media contributor asked this question: How is it possible for a "retarded man" who "campaigns" from his basement, draws no crowds where he goes, and can't remember the last time wiped his rear end, all of a sudden is the winner of an "election?"

Moreover, how can such a man be a "role model" who earns admiration and respect from children???!


He who votes COUNTS FOR NOTHING, but he who COUNTS THE VOTES counts for everything!

That folks, is "DEMO-CRAZY" in action!

Written, photographed and posted


The Blogger

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