Monday, July 8, 2019



Sports whiners are disgusting!

Whatever happened to

Well, it went the way of the dodo bird!

Look at the fools that masquerade as models for our youth to emulate. By design, blacks are favored in most American professional sports leagues these days. Some individuals ARE excellent players, but too often their conduct both on and off the playing fields is lacking in grace, humility, appreciation and decency. 

When I was a young man, sports figures were expected to maintain a certain level of propriety and therefore often made good role models to "look up" to. Not today. I personally very seldom watch commercial sports because they are either  set-up, staged or in one way or another run as crooked operations. That first came a surprise to me when, as a youth, I was invited to my first baseball game. I wasn't unduly interested or excited, but what caught my young eye was a scandal that erupted soon afterwards about a team I had seen play. I have forgotten the details, but it left me with a lesson never forgotten! 

When I see ungrateful mongrels like this Kaper-character with the frizzy hairdo and his antics regarding the American flag, I am totally disgusted. I don't care if this rat is good at his game or not, he is a disgusting example of what sports has become. Worse yet is the media and the supporting fools who egg this turkey on. The more he disrespects, the more money the fools throw at him. Crime truly does pay! Recently he is in the news again for forcing one of his sponsors to drop a line of tennis shoes because the shoe has the old Betsy Ross American Flag on it. He is pushing the tired old narrative it is "racist." Well, isn't that what he is doing, pushing "racism?" If these people would look in the mirror they might soon see the wisdom of a saying made popular by Walt Kelly, the cartoonist who drew "Pogo" the comic strip: "We have met the enemy and he is US!"

If K-boy dislikes America so much, why doesn't he go to a land that he CAN respect?  Maybe he will learn his lesson the hard way like Eldridge Cleaver did years ago after dramatically leaving the US, and then begging to be allowed to come back, after he had lived somewhere else and discovered his mistake!

There is nothing wrong with disliking your leaders or criticizing politicians or anyone else. But to intentionally 
drop on the ground, step on, urinate on, burn or otherwise denigrate the flag of any country really is an act of war against that country. It is a form of treason. To refuse to sing the national anthem of any country one is a citizen of is not very nice either. To refuse to honor the anthem or the flag is an act of disrespect that is best not shown publicly. This man has never served in the armed forces of the US, but takes all that has been GIVEN to him without so much as a trifle of appreciation!

And now we have the US Female Soccer team doing the same thing. Instead of keeping sportsmanship on a high level, some of these girls drop the flag, intentionally or not, and use their position on the American team to slam their own President. They make fools of America in the process; not particularly classy. To top it off, they whine about not being paid the same as the mens soccer teams. Well, there are some reasons. First payment is based on income, and female soccer teams do not attract the same level of interest as the men do so you cannot expect the same rate of pay. It is generally accepted that women do NOT play as well as men for obvious reasons, so why watch a women's game when men's are more exciting? In 2017, the US National Women's Soccer Team was brutally beaten by boys under the age of fifteen! So why all the fuss? 

It's pure politics and agenda games and nothing more!

 This writer served in the US Army, quite honorably, thank you, and has the documentation to prove it. The details can be found in our book AN IMMIGRANT REMEMBERS. Ordering info is found elsewhere on this blog.

During my tenure in the Army, I served under TWO different presidents who were my Commanders-in-chief. I personally did not like either President John Fitzgerald Kennedy or Lyndon Baines Johnson for perfectly valid reasons. BUT, I never said a word publicly or even to my fellow soldiers at any time for the simple reason I was in the military because I needed to be, and because I refused to be a traitor. Kennedy was assassinated and his assassination created waves in the Military. Being a loyal soldier was paramount. We could sort out the details afterwards!

That's the difference between proper conduct and being a rogue bull in a china shop!

One more thing: In the military, the flags of all nations are treated like gold. When we raised the flags in the morning and retired them in the evening, they were all handed with loving care and never allowed to touch the ground. Our host country's flag was handled exactly the same.   
It's called RESPECT!

Retiring American and French Flags 
by US Army Personnel
at an American Base
(Saran, France)
 in 1963

Photograph and Text
Harald Hesstvedt Scharnhorst

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