Monday, May 20, 2019



Heavens open up and smile on a Dead Snag!

There are many strange things currently happening
 in our land.
It is important to realize they are not RANDOM events, but rather the work and product of clever and diabolical efforts to fool and manipulate people and are of a duration going back centuries. Once we understand this concept, then there is little mystery why events "suddenly" pop up, and more importantly, why they happen over and over again. If we are taught about his from our earliest beginnings, then humanity will not be so easily fooled! But we are not taught that, instead we are misled by false doctrine and propaganda!

What prompted me to write this article was a funny comment made by American President Trump about one of his opponents in the next election. There is a much-too-early obsession with the next election which distracts people from what is happening currently.

It seems Mayor Pete Buttigieg (I prefer to call him Butt-gig!) is an incredible specimen of humanity who says he is "married" to another man! I grew up in an era where men married women. It does not make sense at all for a man to marry a man! Marriage creates an orderly reproductive state where children come into being, and have both a father and a mother. Both parents are essential for the correct raising of children. "Queers," like the mayor we are discussing here, cannot reproduce, so in essence he/they are a dead end, family wise. If enough fools copy him/them, society declines. That is one reason why the Bible wisely counsels against homosexuality!

The Cover of a recent Mad Magazine Edition 
featuring "Alfred E. Newman."

President Trump was making fun of this "opponent" whose name is hard to spell and pronounce correctly, but even easier to MISS-pronounce! Trump was lampooning him by suggesting the man has a face like Alfred E. Newman, the "cover boy" of Mad Magazine! It was a very clever lampooning job, as "Butt-gig" DOES resemble Newman!

This confused the candidate who apparently had never heard  of Mad Magazine (or Alfred E. Newman) which was founded in 1952 and is STILL published! He looked up the magazine on the internet, was puzzled, and stated that the reference must be a "generational thing!" That the man would say that about a currently published magazine, not only shows his ignorance of many things, but how "out-of-touch" he is with reality!

As one of my Boy Scouts once told me: "Anyone born before me was born in the Stone Age!" Our "frame of reference" is very limited, especially for those who are poorly educated. We are often slaves of our short "frame of reference," restricting ourselves to the times we recall! Without a thorough understanding of both American and World history, we are completely out of touch with our past and our beginnings as a Nation. That limited amount of knowledge would be expected of an ignorant immigrant, but it is shockingly inexcusable for a man BORN in the US to not understand our history!

"Butt-gig" is running on a platform of absurdity. He says he is more moral than President Trump, even though Trump has a traditional marriage! He says that women have the "right" to abortion. Really? Why? What constitutional mandate is that based on? Our founding fathers never even CONTEMPLATED such a thing! Abortion is like homosexuality, the more abortion, the less reproduction. Abortion results in a declining birthrate. And a declining birthrate is a recipe for decline and fall of any civilization so popular these days.

"Butt-gig" is for "free everything," but like all candidates, fail to discuss how it will all be funded. These people are free to make the most costly and ridiculous proposals, but never have any concrete plans for PAYING for things! They do not know how to budget or to live within their means. They think that money grows on trees. In a way money does grow on trees. The government borrows money from the privately-owned Federal Reserve, which creates money out of thin air. Problem here is that the more they "create," the lesser the value of the individual units of money, hence we pay higher prices for everything! There was a time in the US where a father earned enough money to buy a house, a car, pay for necessities, raise a family and pay for college on ONE paycheck. That does not work today, and it is all directly related to an un-natural increase in the money supply not backed by necessary productivity. So, people today live beyond their means and are far worse off financially than they were 50 years ago. That is true regardless of our technological "advances!"

Photo from National Park Service Website

"Butt-gig"shows his total ignorance of many things by suggesting that Thomas Jefferson, one of our first presidents and author of both our Declaration of Independence AND our Constitution, needs to be downgraded in history because he allegedly had "slaves" at one time or another. Well, so what? Every country and/or people at one time or another had slaves.

What he conveniently leaves out of his equation is that Thomas Jefferson ended the Arab Slave Trade in WHITE EUROPEANS in 1802 by sending US Marines and the US Navy into Tripoli Harbor and destroying the pirates in their lair. They had been kidnapping and enslaving men, women, and children for 500 years, emptying cities and towns from Cornwall, England to the Straits of Bosperous in what is now Turkey. But, the White Slave Trade is not important to communist goons like this very ignorant three-cent "queer!"

 The "Muslim" Pirates of Tripoli losing their base.

It is worth noting that we are modern slaves today to a system that oppresses the productive and rewards the slovenly and stands to cost us our whole existence. His argument falls flat on its face. But that does not stop the ignorant from believing his failed ideas. 

I am not just picking on this specimen of destruction because I want to have someone to pick on. There are almost two dozen equally screwy candidates running and I could easily do parodies on all of them. They are just there to make their silly and radical ideas seem "normal." Since they promote more or less the same stuff, there is little point in my repeating myself 24 times! Whether they get elected or not is not the point. The point is to move the thinking of as many unwashed masses as possible and stampede them into supporting stuff that does not make good common sense! 

None of these morons is smart enough to "run" anything, but all want a "cushy" government job where the only thing they need to "produce" is more meaningless BS! Since people (the "voters") are not particularly bright anyway, they "follow" and fall for anyone who promises the most "free stuff!" There is a price to pay for everything, so beware of what you wish for!

The busy bee (a Bumble Bee in this photograph) 
is an example of a slave. His system is rigid. 
He has no freedom, only a job to do!

For my own account, I will simply say that I do not intend to vote for any of them because I can do a better job caring for myself than any of them, and I do not care to support a "losing" horse!

If people spent their time finding ways to improve their own lives without interference from  Washington DC or other power centers, they would be much better off. Many are doing exactly that. Chasing "moonbeams," thinking that any "candidate" really and truly can and will help them or to help  improve society is a pipe dream. This charade is repeated every four years in the US, and it has gotten to be a mighty old "game" to me. Now, we are even running a non-stop campaign to over-advertise "elections!" The only thing that these "candidates" will accomplish is more misery and mayhem, regardless of empty promises to the contrary!

 The Pot of Gold at the end of a Rainbow
is the one you make for yourself!

the Blogger

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