Wednesday, May 1, 2019


(updated May 2 2019)


Bernie Sanders

Everywhere you look these days in press reports, there is a recurring theme. The level of absurdity of the so-called "presidential candidates" who are "wanna-be top politicians" is so blatant that it defies any kind of logic. And polls reflect that people agree with that assessment. A wealthy Jewish candidate named Sanders wants Disney enterprises to distribute all its profits from a popular film to the cast or crew! How nice! But interestingly, Sanders is silent about distributing HIS millions he made from sales of a book he wrote! He is just a communist at heart. He wants to keep HIS money, but wants others to give up THEIR money! He also wants to let felons vote and wants more free stuff with which to "opium-ize" the population! Sanders is a huge joke, but his ideas have now reached a fever pitch.

Here is a funny NYT Cartoon which "upset" some folks. Apparently, it hit a bit too close to "home." The cartoon was penned by Portuguese cartoonist Antonio Moreira Antunes. CNN conducted an interview with him in Portuguese in which he made reference to the "Jewish Propaganda Machine" for making a big deal of this cartoon.

The New York Times, which is known for its news as a flagship paper to trust (or for printing information they want you to have), has been criticized for running cartoons that "offend" Jews or Israelis. Isn't that just too bad! It IS unusual to see stuff like this in the NYT, so why did they run it? Good question!

Why is it OK to bash Whites mercilessly, but not OK to criticize the Sanhedrin? Well, it's because "we" say so, that's why. And "we" always know best. "We" will decide what is written or said, and "you"will be dealt with harshly if you dare to disagree, even if you have good reasons!

Anti-White Racist Sarah Jeong

Today, there is a piece written about a reporter of Asian parentage who is upset because she has been called names on the internet and now she wants to muzzle her critics! Her comments are so outrageous they defy rational thinking. But it's OK with her bosses, cause she is just getting even! Here is a direct quote:

She also said she gets a sick “joy” out of “being cruel to old white men” and wondered if white people’s light skin is a sign they’re “only fit to live underground like groveling goblins.”
The New York Times said they were aware of her anti-white tweets when they hired her and argued her tweets were justified because some trolls called her mean names on the internet.
The link to the whole article can be found here:
It is quite one thing to espouse such views, quite another is to deny someone with different points of view an opportunity to be just as vulgar! 

Rep. Ilhan Omar
Everywhere you go in the "slime stream press" in America, the vitriolic hatred against Whites is very evident. This stuff is taught in schools as well. Recently a Somali member of Congress made another attack on whites:

Rep. Ilhan Omar asserted “This is not going to be the country of white people” during a rally in DC yesterday.
The entire article can be found here:
I have to wonder if she and her kind are able to build the kind of country the Whites did? Or will she and her kind revert to the jungle mentality of Somalia? It is a simple case of being ungrateful, "biting the hands that feed her" and pushing for unbridled power. That's the game.
It is not about the White man, per se. It is about power. In world history, peoples have been displaced by others or annihilated by others on a regular basis. This is nothing new on the world stage. One minute, one tribe is on top, the next minute another tribe takes over and there is chaos and mayhem.
Witness Zimbabwe which has discriminated against White farmers for four decades and suffered a complete collapse of the economy and society. Now Zimbabwe has to come to grips with the issue and forced to return some lands to clearly superior White farmers because others were not able to run the show! The best part is that BBC videos (British Broadcasting Corporation) shows the Black laborers delighted to have the Whites return, because NOW THEY HAVE REGULAR JOBS AGAIN!! It will be interesting to see if this lasts!
Thomas Jefferson said it best, "Eternal Vigilance is the price of Liberty." Either oppose evil or suffer the consequences.
There is nothing that destroys a civilizations faster than to provide "FREE STUFF" to worthless people who become slaves of a rotten system and don't even understand what is happening to them!

Hard work and devotion to duty can make most people very independent and self sufficient. That scares the holy crap out of our leaders around the world!! It is impossible to control independent people!

  American Southwest Monsoon 

Written and Produced
The Blogger

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