Sunday, June 19, 2016



"Foggy Bottom"
from Author's Collection

Here is today's Parody from Washington, DC (District of Corruption):

Well, folks, it was bound to happen sooner or later. The President issued Executive Order number three million today. It orders a major change in how the "White House" is maintained! It seems the esteemed building will undergo a complete change of color from White to Black, to keep from offending the first family! President Ebony maintains that the current color does not accurately represent the make-up of today's modern society and that his change will create a higher harmony in the life of all Americans! Consequently the place will now be known as the "Black House!"
The First Wife declared she would do her part and change the color of the toilet paper in the rest-rooms of the edifice from white to black!  

The Order promptly drew a backlash from the legislative branch! Senator Tight-bottom observed it would cost more than a million current dollars to make and install black toilet tissue! He also noted it would cost an extra five million dollars to cool the building during each hot summer as the color black absorbs heat! President Ebony promptly called Senator Tight-bottom an unabashed racist and hate-monger! He also said even though many Americans were not working these days thanks to the president's exemplary policies, they could still afford it! It would show their true commitment to the president's noble agenda!

Other voices in Congress added their concerns. Senator Bullshits-ski labeled the Order "bizarre" and "insensitive" as a new president would be installed on the White House Throne soon, and may want to change the color back to White! To this President Ebony said something that is totally unprintable in this family blog; he was "encouraged" by staff to refer to his teleprompter for a more "politically correct" response!

Congressman Wishey-washy, who is noted for his maniacal opposition to aspiring Presidential Candidate Donald Trump noted that if Trump wins he would dub the White House "The Dumpster!" This of course, generated a sharp response from the Pro-Trump crowd who promptly suggested Congressman Wishey-washy did not want to make America great again!

Finally, Senator Straight-man, who is an unabashed critic of the gay lobby suggested that we should wait to see if "Pillary" might win, in which case she might prefer a Rainbow of colors! The good senator further groused that if she should win, he would have no choice but to refer to the 
edifice as the "Dyke House!" The Hillary Clinton Mob promptly suggested the senator suffers from a bad case of homophobia and that he was spreading "hate speech!"

And that's the way the Washington Merry-go-round spins today, good people, as our little Parody comes to a close! Laugh, drink and make Merry!!

Dreamed Up and Written by
Harald Hesstvedt Scharnhorst

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