Friday, June 17, 2016



Mesa Arch in Canyonlands National Park
Author's Photograph 

Whatever our fate in life, we all have certain "life-lies" we hold dear. The phrase was probably coined by someone who was not very popular! So exactly what is a "life-lie?" It is something that we believe in that just is not true.
Some examples will suffice: 1) We believe in democracy, as though "democracy" is a norm or a given or even makes any sense. There are many tribes in the world who do not even understand what it means. They just know that when they lose, they go to war! Democracy works on the false principle that the majority knows best. They don't! 2) Gun Control saves lives! What a crude and cruel joke. Just ask any people that is disarmed and at the mercy of a cruel government if they are any better off or "safer!" They are not. Governments are regular killing machines that go at their work with gruesome regularity. They do it with a justification that others are "evil," and a "threat" to "their" superior existence! 3) Central Banks are there to help us!  They are not. They are there to make sure the cards are stacked in their favor regardless of the consequences.
In the past few days, we see some glaring examples of "life-lies" at work. The recent killing of 50 people in Orlando is given huge press coverage. What is so important about that? 50 Homosexuals who presumably will never reproduce (and therefore do not have a long-term future) are given all this space and attention? Even funnier and more ridiculous is the government actually KNEW the killer, had investigated him and found him without "blemish!" Is this another "set-up," or not? Well, somebody knows the answer to that one and is saying nothing! 
There are small wars around the world continuing every day we never hear anything about nor do we hear about their casualties. Where is the outrage? There isn't any! Or the Waco Massacre by a government gone mad, which killed far more men women and children than Orlando, is never mentioned. The killing of sailors on board the USS LIBERTY by Israel is never mentioned. All of a sudden, the gun-control freaks come out of the wood-work as if on cue, screaming for more restrictions on weapons! Such behavior is so plastic, how can people not see through this garbage?! How would enacting new laws have prevented the Orlando Massacre? It wouldn't have! I personally live in an area where weapons are very common, yet we seldom have murders. So, the concept is baloney! 
Well then, what is this all about? Its very simple: the agenda calls for disarming legitimate people, to make them easy to manage by a regime whose ultimate purpose is enslavement of all. If you say that too loudly in public you probably will be at least verbally abused!
Much ado has been made about "Brexit," the proposal for Britain to become more economically independent. The idea really scares the elite silly, who work to centralize all economic control. So conveniently, a man kills a Member of Parliament and all of a sudden debate is suspended by BOTH sides and the election thrown into a tizzy that may change the outcome! Its not a stretch to view this as a rigged game!
My, but our leaders are smart! They know how to play their cards well and the "sheeple" fall for it every time!
Whatever happens, remember the "life-lies" and be sure to believe them! After all, they are the bulwark of a totalitarian society that we all secretly love so much......and that some folks are working so hard to achieve............

Posted by 
Harald Hesstvedt Scharnhorst 

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