Thursday, February 3, 2022



Here are some "self-generated" original thoughts that I want to share! They really "hit the spot!"

1) I was SPANKED as a child; that's why I have RESPECT for people!

2) I always VOTE for politicians; I am too stupid to do things for myself!

3) I was never given MEDICINE as a child. As a result, I am without a medical history!

4) I never did learn to hold a job. That's why I was forced to work for myself!

5) When I was a kid, I was taught about equality and hate. As a result, I now hate everybody equally!

6) When I went to college, I was taught not to think! I learned that well... I got a Masters Degree in Thoughlessness!

7) When I went to college, I was taught to "hate myself." That's why I keep banging my head against the wall!

8) When I am told to get a shot, I always do. After all, I would never get one on my own!

9) When told to "panic," I always do. We all know that misery loves company!

10) I always believe in "religious leaders" and follow everything they say, because who am I to receive "revelation" for my own account?!

11) Think you are pretty smart? Look no further than the "genius" who "occupies" the "white house!" He is a man you can "respect!"

12) Wanna "demonstrate?" Take two FULL glasses of water and pour the one into the other without spilling anything! That way, people can see how really "smart" you are!

13) Try changing the "mind" of a so-called "liberal." He will turn into a raving bigot!

14) Think Men are the same as Women" You can easily do that if you just ignore basics!

15) Even wonder why some people make money easily? It is simple. Crime Pays!

16) Like "killing" people? Join the military and "police the World!"

17) Think you can EAT anything and stay well? It is easy. Just stuff yourself with crap and call it a day!

18) Believe in SCIENCE? Good for you. Science is PROFITABLE.The Moon is made of Green Cheese, you know. Science says so. All you have to do is GO there. You will never go hungry again!

The meme pictured here is not of my doing. Someone rearranged the words of the Quotation a bit, but it IS funny!

The correct quote is:

A wise man's heart is at his right hand;

but a fools heart at his left.

Written and Posted


The Blogger

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