Wednesday, April 14, 2021



If you are not familiar with the Amish, they are a small Christian Group of people who shun cars, telephones, TV and other "worldly goods."

They are mostly farmers and tradesmen and are noted for their high quality craftsmanship in the  things they do and things they make and sell to the public.

They also are very strong believers in religion, and practice their religion diligently. They wear plain clothes and hence are called "The Plain Amish." There are other groups of them as well. 

The Plain Amish live mostly in Pennsylvania.They seldom get involved in politics but surprisingly, did promote Donald Trump during the last election, probably the first time I can recall them getting to deep into politics. They probably recognized what a disaster "Joe Biden" would be, so it is not surprising in that sense. Considering what Joe Biden has done to America in a few short weeks, they seem pretty much in tune with what is right!

But the Amish are the only group I can see in the United States who stood up EN MASS against the quarantining of healthy people. The Amish prayed about it, and decided to let the Lord take things into His Hands. They opened up churches and normal living a year ago, now! So what is the result? According to medical people in Pennsylvania, the Amish now have achieved what no one else has, almost 100% HERD IMMUNITY!

These people never bought into the mask craze: wearing masks to restrict breathing and which contain bad chemicals hard on the lungs. They also do not play the occult "social distancing" game either, and are not fans of vaccination with substances that are not tested at all and may be more harmful than anything. For a supposed disease with a death rate of less than ONE PERCENT, it makes no sense to the Amish to play the games that have been forced on Americans in many states.

Here is an article which originally appeared in a London newspaper, based on statements from medical people in the plain Amish community of Pennsylvania!

Please copy and paste into your browser, the following link!

Read it if you like, and draw your own conclusions.



the Blogger

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