Saturday, October 31, 2020







I am in favor of Making America GRATEFUL again……

Here is a short list of SOME the idiocy going on in the world while common people are asleep at the switch…..

1) Children who are learning to READ FACES AND EXPRESSIONS as part of early development are being hindered by masked adults. A whole generation of people may be destroyed by lock-down type of child abuse. So say “experts” on the subject.

2) Children are advised NOT to use masks because of carbon dioxide buildups. The buildups in the masks prevent fresh air from being taken in and may cause brain damage to the youngsters. If that’s true for children, what about adults then? And what about reports now circulating suggesting masks contain a chemical that is harmful?

3) Do you have a hard time UNDERSTANDING MASKED PEOPLE AS THEY MUMBLE? Don’t feel bad. They cannot communicate! Each time I talk to one these fools I remind them they are next to impossible to understand. They know it, too! I even tell them they may “live longer” without the face plug!

4) CDC (Center for Disease Control) now says it cannot isolate the Covid Virus. Really? And they create a “vaccine” from “non-isolated virus?” Please explain that one to me! My cognitive senses are not advanced enough for my simplistic mind to understand that!

5) Twitter censors forced to backtrack on trying to hide Hunter Biden Laptop Story. Giving a New York paper the option of removing their post or continue suspension has now backfired. There is nothing more disgusting than censors! What are they hiding and what is their agenda? Not a difficult question to answer!

6) Therapy and Pharma vultures are now capitalizing on declaring a “mental health crisis” for Covid. Scare the crap out of people for months and they will FALL FOR ANYTHING! No sense in letting a good crisis go to waste.

7) Reuters and other international news organizations say that people are dying from taking shots as part of a “human trial” for injections in both Korea and Brazil. Lots of other “reactions.” NO one cares!

8) Lock-downs are killing more children than flu, says the United Nations. This is just a small sample of stuff in the international media today.

Question: If Biden “wins” the election, who is the media going to use as the new “whipping boy??” They have been adrenaline junkies attacking Trump for four years now (or more). It’s hard to break a “habit!” Or is there a possibility they will find another “whipping boy,” or will they just turn on each other like cannibals? It will be fun to watch…..


 FALL is beautiful, folks! Enjoy our display of photographs from "The Turning of the Colors!" And while you are at it, BREATH THE FRESH AIR!

Signed: Mask-less and Health All Year!


 Happy Fall to all my Readers! Stay Warm, Active and Healthy!

Written and Posted by the Blogger.

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