Saturday, May 23, 2020



Fresh Air!

The subject of immunity has been debated and talked about over the last several months, thanks to the scary "Chinese Virus." 

As an individual, I have lived through at least SIX different "pandemics" and was never adversely affected by ANY of them!  I developed a natural "herd immunity" to any problem by being normal. I had zero problems! So what makes this so much worse?


And WHO is generating the fear? Why governments are, of course, assisted by the press. And corporations with an interest in pharmaceuticals are, of course. Big Pharma is  also in collusion with governments and the help of the press. Any "second opinion" is not only discarded, but censored and made fun of. It has always been like that, but much worse this time around.

This whole side show (in my experience and estimation) is nothing more than a Draconian Power Grab of gigantic proportions. It may be the real thing, or just a trial run for both World Government and identifying and controlling the entire population. It won't work, but it sure can cause disruptions! The object may be to see how far people can be pushed before total control takes place.

In case you did not know it, there is such a thing as THE INTERNATIONAL SANITARY STANDARDS. They have been around since 1951. They are basic rules of conduct for countries around the world and most, if not all, are signatories to its provisions. Today it is more commonly referred to as the International Health Regulations.

Because there often are outbreaks of disease in certain countries, often due to poor sanitation and other causes, whenever such situations occur and diseases break out, the proper way to minimize such outbreaks is QUARANTINING those who HAVE THE DISEASE. That helps minimize spreading the stuff around. If you travel and come to the United States where the disease does not occur, you can be quarantined for a couple of weeks. Reasonable precautions to take! It is no different than keeping your child at home (instead of sending him to school) when he has a cold! Easy to understand and very easy to deal with.

In our previous article we showed how this worked in the Republic of China (Taiwan) and how successful it has been.  

But in the rest of the world, we were told in the beginning by "experts" who are totally incompetent, not to worry about it, because it was just China and the rest of the World would not be affected! Then they changed their tune and said it was the MOST DANGEROUS Pandemic to hit mankind in history! 

There has been so much misinformation bandied about by so called "experts" who all have extreme ties to the "big pharma" complex and whose sole purpose seems to be control and making huge gobs of money off peoples stupidity and innocence!

There is nothing rational or sensible about what is going on. When diseases that are transmissible by any means, it is common to isolate it. In the United States the OPPOSITE has become the "norm!" Isolate the healthy and LOCK them DOWN! This is sheer lunacy and against all rational actions. There is nothing better than fresh air and sunshine in all cases, and to stop commerce, human interaction and all activities is insane! The trouble is, you cannot keep people locked up indefinitely! They are going to escape! Making examples of some of them does not deter future actions!

A Walk in the Woods is Healthy!

Governors have been caught breaking the quarantine by letting their families go about their businesses, while telling everyone else they must follow directions! Lawsuits will become a flood in the United States! It is ILLEGAL to lock-down people. It violates the Fourteenth Amendment as well as a host of others!

Many of the most draconian actions in the United States by Governors are those WITH TIES TO THE PHARMACEUTICAL industry! Several of them have said that lock downs will continue until there is a vaccine! And in the meantime, United States and Great Britain continue to allow people to come into the country from abroad WITHOUT HEALTH CHECKS, but want the population of the countries restricted!


So the "pandemic" isn't real then?????!

Of course it isn't! It is just another variety of the flu! It may be worse or not than previous strains. But if you say that, you are royally condemned and sometimes censored by others, the government, the press and all the usual propaganda outlets! 

Masks are fine for people who cough and work around others in a medical environment. But long-term mask wearing for everyone means you inhale CO2 and that has adverse effects on the body. We are meant to inhale Oxygen and expel Carbon dioxide!

Deciding what is an "essential" business and what isn't, who may remain open and who can not is lunacy. Everyone has an essential business! If it does not operate, it goes broke!  When enough businesses go broke we have a DEPRESSION. When more than 25% of the jobs disappear, you have a disaster.

Interestingly, before this so called Pandemic arrived, there were preparations made for such an occurrence! A coincidence, or did someone have advanced knowledge of this event? It is a fair question. Certain large health organizations actually advertised for employees prior to this "event!"

The Negative Ions from Waterfalls
is Healthy and Beneficial!

Folks, logic would dictate that keeping healthy through good diet and decent living is the best "cure." And logic would dictate that if sick, proper actions be taken. But to destroy society to "save lives" is a very cruel hoax perpetrated by very evil men and women. 

It is more an more important than ever now, that
 individuals KEEP THEIR OWN COUNSEL, take actions appropriate for them without hindrance. Follow your heart and stay well....

The Blogger


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