Monday, November 26, 2018



Over the years, I have watched people from many Christian Denominations "spread the gospel" to other lands. They are dedicated believers who spend their own money and time to "convert" others to their way of thinking. I have always had an instinctive impression it is a total waste of time.

That may not sit well with many who honestly believe it is their duty to "help" others that way.

The fact is, this is not limited to religious matters. It is true in so many ways.

Just take a look at America today. Statistics show our nation consists of 40% people who are not just overweight, but downright FAT! The worst thing is, they like it that way. One can see front page articles in magazines touting the idea that "Fat is beautiful!" What utter rubbish. Fat is DISEASE, pure and simple. 
I went to a car parts store the other day to get a part I needed to repair my car. Of the three men behind the counter, all of them were FAT! Each had a belly, that if seen on a woman, she would look pregnant! 

I ask you to compare ANY PHOTOGRAPH taken of any American of the 1950's through the 1980's with the American of today, one of the first things that stands out is there ARE NO FAT PEOPLE to be seen! During those times, obesity was confined to a very small percentage of the population. It was a shame to be fat and most unusual. Today, it is hard to find an American who isn't fat to some extent.

Two American Army Soldiers in 1964

So what caused the difference? All you have to do is look at the shopping baskets of Americans as they go through their favorite "Junk Food Supermarket" and you will have the answer. When they don't feel good they visit their "doctor," often another overweight man who is a poor choice of mentor! 

What can be done about it?

Absolutely nothing!

Don't bother to even try to help these people. They do not want it and deeply resent any "advice" you may choose to give, no matter how "helpful" or "correct" or "well-meant!" Let them die in their own sins. IT IS tough to watch, but I have found that one needs to develop a "tough skin" on this and other subjects.

Getting back to my point about missionaries, here is an example of a well-meaning young man who stuck his nose where it wasn't wanted and paid with his own life. "God," he said, "I do not want to die." Read the article for yourself and learn from it....if you can!

Harald Hesstvedt Scharnhorst

Photograph of author and buddy as soldiers was taken by an unknown buddy and cropped and edited for publication by the blogger. This photograph also appears on page 303 of AN IMMIGRANT REMEMBERS, a book written by the blogger with profuse illustrations and fascinating stories from The Second World War and the aftermath. Visit our Facebook Page: Homefront Books for ordering information.

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