Wednesday, October 31, 2018

What are THEY Afraid of?

What are THEY Afraid of?

The Western Larch is truly 
"Politically Correct" 
no matter what the Season!

The word "they" used here refers to those who think they run the show. "They" means Facebook, Twitter and Google as just three examples. But there are many more. What about the NAACP, the ADL, the FBI and countless public and private agencies or organizations who scream about their favorite subjects? The problem is, the more they scream, the more they want to scream. If they succeed in what they are trying to do, they up the ante and try for more! There is simply no way to satisfy their appetites for control!

The word "offense" has become a regular in the English lexicon. Everyone is "offended." Everything that does not conform to a certain set of arbitrary rules called Political Correctness is subject to the word "hate." I almost never use that word anymore.  I stopped using the word "hate" except in quotes or when it is necessary to describe the word, because it has lost its meaning. What does it mean? Once, it meant "dislike," now it has become a word so weaponized that it is applied anyone and everyone we do not like or disagree with.

Everyone is either being name-called, or ostracized or fired from their job or "banned" from social platform after platform. Take GAB as an example. What is it about GAB that absolutely terrifies "Silly-cone Valley?" Who cares what they say on GAB? If you like it, you can use it, if you don't you can avoid it. Apparently, the real problem here is that free discussion outside of certain parameters causes people to think. And thinking is dangerous. Thinking must be controlled. You must believe this or that, but not that or this, because it is offensive, hateful or not Politically Correct! If you have the nerve enough to ask who decides what is proper to question or discuss, you are denounced as a kook, a hater or worse.

Apparently, it is free discussion of any subject that is not approved by these self-styled members of the "Ministry of Truth," that these people cannot stand. So instead of the internet being a free forum of ideas and thoughts, it is rapidly becoming TV-2, more of the same.

Recently, I had a very interesting conversation with someone who lives in another country. This person is not old, but young and in the prime of life. The individual said that a certain group (one was mentioned specifically, and I will let you guess WHICH one), is only interested in what they assume to be good for them, and nothing more. Therefore, they demonize anyone and anything that gets in their way regardless of whether the discussion is accurate or not. That folks, is the essence of the matter. 

If you will but look around and see what is said and what is promoted continually, it is not difficult to distinguish what is REALLY right and what is REALLY wrong. It is common sense. The best defense against such nonsense is to recognize it for what it is and behave accordingly.

You will be a smarter, happier, and more productive individual, and a better role model for family, friends and country.

These trees are not afraid to be individuals 
and stand out from their peers because of their 
individual characteristics! We need to emulate that principle 
in our own lives!

Harald Hesstvedt Scharnhorst

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