Tuesday, July 31, 2018


(updated August 8, 2018)


Socialism is a disease. 

It is like "democracy,"

 a totally flawed concept. The United States of America was founded as a REPUBLIC, not a democracy. It was founded on the principle of freedom for all in the pursuit of happiness. 

Busy people are happy people. 

Those with time on their hands and nothing to do or produce become major problems both to themselves and society as a whole. 

Communist East Germany, before the collapse of the Soviet Union, referred to themselves as the German Democratic Republic. The German Democratic Republic was established in the Soviet occupation zone of Germany in October of 1949 following the creation of the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) in May of 1949. East Germany was a hugely repressive society with its famous BERLIN WALL, which effectively prevented ANYONE from leaving without a bullet to the body. It was a total failure economically. 

Zimbabwe is a more modern example of failed socialist society. 

So is Venezuela, with decades of mismanagement. Yes, socialists continue to espouse their "cause." Reinventing the wheel is very popular!

True democracy is "mob rule," where the "majority" is convinced that they are "right." If majority rules, it stands to reason that everyone will vote for their own best interests, instead of what is best for society. They want more "rights," natural or not, more
"free" stuff, more "political correctness" and so on.  No one asks WHERE the money to pay for this stuff comes from. 

Many socialists of today have no idea of what constitutes true wealth, that production is necessary for the creation of wealth and that hard work and productivity is the only answer. These people have been spoiled for so long they simply cannot fathom the reality of simple economics. Western governments and others too, have been running deficits for decades. That cannot continue without a gross displacement of value, people and economics in general.

The majority seldom makes good decisions. Looking at socialist calls for more government regulation of everything from people's thoughts to their pocketbooks, 50% taxes or more and other nonsense, it is fair to wonder if these people have really and truly "lost their minds."

Everyone is ENTITLED these day, spoiled rotten to the core; they "want" more and more for doing less and less. This can have no-good results.

Interestingly, even the establishment is mentioning this. The reader may want to copy and paste the following link to see what "others" are saying:


I am, however, encouraged to see many young people starting their own businesses and providing services to others without all the socialist crap. One young man I know, put the following notice on his web-site:


Indeed, there is great hope for the future. It does not lie with the socialists who are nothing but Bolsheviks at heart!

We take this opportunity to thank those who make the effort to comment on our articles. One man wrote that socialism has a great deal of emotional appeal. He is correct! It does appeal to the emotions, which makes it both universally popular and equally dangerous!

Harald Hesstvedt Scharnhorst

Be sure to get your copy of our book AN IMMIGRANT REMEMBERS. 

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1 comment:

  1. I agree with you. Socialism hasn't worked anywhere it's been applied in human history. However, it does have strong, emotional appeal. This is one of the reasons why it's popular with so many people.
