Monday, July 17, 2017



Many countries of the world have penalties for entering illegally. One of them is Mexico! 

A country like the United States of America cannot hope to remain sovereign and independent when immigrants from foreign countries are allowed to arrive like a conquering army. That is what is happening now in much of White Western Europe, and for that matter, in America.

Recent studies from the Center for Immigration Studies show some disturbing numbers. It seems that some 67 percent of immigrants who have resided in the United States for 15 or more years cannot speak much English. Incredible!

A more recent study by the same group points out that we have a system that tests immigrants on their eligibility to become “naturalized citizens.” However, it seems the new report finds that a third are "functionally illiterate," unable to speak and understand enough English to qualify for that status.

Why is this? Are they simply stupid, ignorant or unwilling to assume responsibility for becoming functional in our societies? The question is a fair one. The US Customs and Immigration Services points out that in order to eligible to become U. S. Citizens, immigrants need to have a basic understanding of U. S. History and Government. They also need to be able to read, write and speak basic English.

Photograph featured on Page 17 (Figure 12)
Interview with the author is found at this address:


The blogger was a LEGAL Immigrant who came to America under the Quota Laws governing how many people from Norway could be granted admission as legal residents in any given year. We had to WAIT our turn, had to be in good health, free from communicable disease, had to have some knowledge of the English language (my father spoke six languages), have no criminal record and had to have a sponsor who would guarantee we would not become a burden to the United States Government. We brought assets with us, both money and property, lived here, prospered, contributed, and either stayed legal residents or became citizens. So what is the problem with current immigrants? Ask the U.S. Government. The laws are still in place, but under the Nobama Administration, the laws were simply ignored. The result is too many immigrants become a burden instead of an asset. And they are resented by both immigrants and native people (born here), those who are not a burden!

Either clean up your act, folks, 
or go back where you came from!

Harald Hesstvedt Scharnhorst

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