Friday, August 12, 2016


(Notice updates at the end of this story!)

Folks, these graphic photographs were taken this morning looking east  (8 August 2016) beginning at 10:15 Pacific Daylight Time, and ending about 30 minutes later. Photographs show a CONTRAIL (not a normal jet vapor-trail) being spewed out by an aerial sprayer and gradually expanding and drifting over a huge area. The aircraft was flying a west to east pattern over Eastern Washington, the Panhandle of Idaho and Western Montana. It has been a while since I have seen these in our area. Normally, they run checkerboard patterns in the sky. This one was just ONE single trail. After 90 minutes, it looks just like a normal cirrus cloud. Eventually it all drifts to earth. The question is, why is this not talked about openly, and what in the world is the make-up of the sprayed materials?? If you sometimes wonder why you don't feel well from time to time, and for no apparent reason, here is a possible culprit. But don't complain to the "authorities," they will call you a CONSPIRACY NUT! The pictures, however, speak for themselves! There is nothing NUTTY about them!

This is not something new, but rather has been going on for some time throughout much of the so-called civilized world. There are those who have done some research and allege these are dangerous materials that have a massive negative environmental impact. That means people as well as animals, plus the general environment, may be at risk.

These two photographs were taken a few minutes apart. The view is to the south from the same location as our first montage shown above. The difference here is that we have cirrus clouds as well. But the checkerboard pattern is being started. It can be seen in the second photograph, how the upper air is moving, and pushing along the clouds as well as the con-trails. As each trail is added, it covers an entire state and more! Both photographs taken at 9AM PDT        16 October 2015.

I have personally seen the spraying so dense and so bad in checkerboard fashion that it left an entire state or more in a fog that gradually settles to earth. What its purpose is, I can only guess at. The concern is, that when someone tries to ask questions, there is nothing but denials, silence and many times name-calling. Nothing new there; why the mystery?? What is being hidden from the public at large? There are reports that lawsuits are in the making. We shall see what develops, if anything.

Here is a vertical view taken from the same location, showing the results of the spraying. If one is not paying attention, the whole matrix disappears into the cirrus clouds, and is lost. But once noticed, it is very obvious. This photograph also taken on              16 October 2015 at 9AM PDT.
The main thing is to be aware of the problem, observe and document it. The pictures here are graphic. This is not some nut job making silly claims, these are obvious developments. The more questions that are raised, the more likely that this matter will be openly talked about, and maybe something will eventually be done about it. Certainly, everyone is due an explanation!

*  *  *  *

The Following is Posted 16 August 2016:

This is ONE set of Contrails. The left photograph is simply the LEFT half of the trails. The Blue Arrows show the obvious point of overlap. These were taken about 5 PM PDT on 16 August 2016. The view is to the north.

This photograph was taken at 5:15 PM the same afternoon, showing the dissipation pattern, and also showing a tendency to look like High Thin Clouds! In one hour after the first photograph was taken, all that could be seen was a high thin overcast! 

These photographs were captured more by chance than anything. The Red Circles show the same sky area. The enlarged right photograph features the plane itself, making another pass across the same area as an hour earlier. The left photograph, taken a few minutes after, shows the pattern in relation to the ground. These were taken about 6 PM PDT 16 August 2016, again looking north.

If these developments are not followed from the start, they become hidden from view as time marches on. The current spraying sequence has now lasted several days. I have not been able to show all the spraying because it goes on at different times, and is not always caught at the beginning! Here, however, the contrasts are perfect, so it is easy to demonstrate. In other lighting situations it is harder to spot and document. All photographs displayed here were taken from the same location.

This post is added on 19 August 2016:

It seems that the Powers That Be are increasingly worried that people are catching on to a spraying program designed to completely control planet Earth.  The New York Times is reporting that  an article from many scientists is poo-pooing any public concern that contrails may be a problem. The article is published in a closed forum known as ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS.
It is a quarterly, peer-reviewed, open-access, electronic "scientific journal" covering all aspects of "environmental science." They insist that there is no secret program involved. However, they also make no claims regarding its safety. 

Here is a  book that has other ideas, for those interested in many aspects of the controversy. It is readily available on the internet.

Photographed and Written
Harald Hesstvedt Scharnhorst

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