Sunday, November 29, 2015


 a White American Hero

I once spent time in the American military. Therefore, I often feel a kinship with those who also served, whether by necessity or by design. John was someone I never had a chance to meet, but a fellow whose feelings, thoughts and pains I readily understand. He was a pacifist by deep conviction, just like me. But we both served. He out of principle and me out of necessity. He volunteered. Although I did too, my volunteerism was necessitated by the draft. There really was no other choice. Neither of us wanted anything to do with the Vietnam War, a completely unnecessary one that was not in the best interests of white men. So I simply went the way that was correct for me.. In this tribute which was published in the November/December Edition of THE BARNES REVIEW history magazine, I give John both the respect and acknowledgement he deserves......

The Barnes Review $46 per year for six issues:

 What follows is the Front Page of John Alan Coey's book "A Martyr Speaks" which was published posthumously by his family, based on his notes and letters home....and the letters of friends and associates.....

Posted by Harald Hesstvedt Scharnhorst
November 2015

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