Sunday, August 23, 2015



Daughters are Priceless!  
Kodacolor Original Negative by P. Read 

     My daughter, always thoughtful, sent me a picture showing a farmer on his tractor with a caption that read: “The happiest people don’t have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything they have!”
     Indeed! Our Viking ancestors were like that. They understood the primary difference between what they “wanted” and what was “needed.” My daughter noted she could never remember a time when I had anything negative to say about my life. More or less it’s true! I constantly try to improve, but I am basically not going to complain. I have come to understand through experience and the wise and benevolent council of other wise beings, that I and I alone have the power to make myself happy and content. That does not mean I cannot do better or do not want to improve. I try to do that where I can and always have many things going that interest me! I have come to realize the concept of “I AM” and that is what I deal with. In simpler terms: I Govern Myself!
     I do not expect “the government” to make me happy, to wait on me hand and foot and to offer me programs we cannot afford.  Governments exist on borrowed capital: your money and mine. Governments are seldom composed of the best or intelligent beings who know what is good for us all. They are lazy, simple minded people who promote job security for themselves without regard for future consequences. Governments, lie, cheat and steal all the time. They kill people in unnecessary wars, lie to them about the things that matter, push certain favored “groups” over others or reduce the value of their money through mindless inflation. All the time they try to convince us “how good we have it!” Unfortunately, enough people have fallen for this ruse to the point of no return. Over half the people of America either work for government or are on welfare subsistence of some kind. So who then, pays the bills? Well, the rest of the population pays some of the bills the balance is paid through continuing inflation. It is a never ending cycle of dependency that leads to totalitarianism and “bankruptcy.” Notice that the word “Bank” is the lead noun in the multiple noun "bankruptcy!" That says a lot! Originally the word referred to crooked banks that went belly up!
     I do not expect people to make me happy, either.  I prefer to work with people: individuals who have shared interests or who benefit from mutually enjoyable and acceptable pursuits. This may mean bartering, investing in others, being helpful where one can, or work for pay. It also means information sharing and continuing the “learning” process. American General Robert E. Lee said it best: "the education of a man is never completed until he dies." It may also mean a business of some kind, preferably one in which regulations do not apply or if they do where conduct is such as to allow for minimal contact with those who think they “rule” over us!
     In Viking Land it was the woman who kept the keys to the Stabur (pronounced stah boor). The Stabur was a storage place set up off the ground in rural areas to keep out rodents and vermin. In towns it was called a “pantry.” Regardless of what we call it, the place contained a year’s supply of food for the family. It was the

   Stabbur Photo 
from Norwegian Heritage Association

woman’s job to parcel it all out so it would last and at the same time keep her brood happy and healthy. She was the one who would call council when things were needed and it was the man’s job to see it was filled. This resulted in a very healthy relationship and economy. It did not matter whether one was rich or poor, or just well off. What mattered was that the system worked! It was fair to all. Today we have forgotten the woman’s leading role in marriage and society. The result is people wander around with very little compass to guide them and they run from one meaningless relationship to another without any understanding as to the meaning of life or understanding what they ought to be doing! No wonder they are often unhappy!
     My mother was a classic example of a Viking Woman. When I was born, brought home and introduced to my family there was a celebration. It was wartime and things needed for celebrations like this were hard to come by. So, necessity became the mother of invention. My uncle managed to bring some food items, grandparents something else and my mother supplied the rest. The result was a very fancy, festive and happy occasion in the midst of sorrow and shortages. My uncle, who was also my Godfather, was most impressed that my mother had served “plums” on the menu. She had jars upon jars of canned plums stored in her basement pantry! He stated that “meat” he could always finagle, but PLUMS, now that was an entirely different thing! My mother coyly reminded him that those who have always will have! And he had to admit that was true. He who saves for the rainy day or special occasion will be able to deliver when the time comes. Hence, as my mother contended: “WE LIVE IN THE LAND OF JUST ENOUGH!”          

Image of Norway Farmlands from Author's Original 1965 Ektachrome Slide

Harald Hesstvedt Scharnhorst
            Copyright 2015

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