Wednesday, January 22, 2020


(Note: The following article was written in a different format, 
and is combined here with pictures for your information!  Enjoy. The Blogger.)


The Picture

In this “modern” era there is almost no depth to which the “prostitute media” will sink to tell “stories out of school.” The recent fuss made about Virginia Governor Northham's “Blackface Photo,” is a classic example. It is worth noting that there are paid and unpaid “researchers” who are constantly tolling for comments made by “important” people at one time or another. The purpose is to discover tidbits of material that can be used in the present or in the future to embarrass, humiliate, harass, force the hand of, control or destroy people the “Deep State” does not approve of. We use the term “Deep State” here to refer to un-elected bureaucrats and others, hell-bent on pushing the communist agenda. It is never ending. If something does not wash publicly, it is buried and when new “opportunities” for harassment pop up, those are used without mercy. With President Donald Trump, for example, the harassment is constant, never ending and very vitriolic. Whether you like him or not is not an issue. But, with other “criminals” on the Deep State’s list of “cannot-do-wrong,” no conduct is worthy of prosecution!

During his time in high school, Governor Northham was probably, like so many, a mediocre teenager at best. During those years, he did some silly things teenagers do. In one case, he dressed up as “Blackface” with another student in a KKK costume for a high school event and the picture of him was published in his high school yearbook. That picture has been there for years, and no one had anything to say about it! No one accuses the school of improper conduct for publishing it, of course! Naturally, when that picture was “discovered” by a paid or unpaid troublemaker, it was “revealed” and automatically became a public “scandal,” when it was convenient. He survived that attempted purge, but not the “stigma,” because he is now regularly reminded about it and everyone “knows” that Blackface is “waysist!” Still, no-one understands what caused “Blackface” and still no-one attacks the school for printing the picture! Even more interesting, there is no disparaging comment made in the caption underneath. If anything, the caption is irrelevant!

The furor is pure Bull Feathers!

A little history is worth looking at. In the early days of Hollywood, there were almost no “Black” or “Negro” actors. It wasn’t until Walt Disney came along with his classic movie SONG OF THE SOUTH, (1946) that black actors started showing up in films. This beautiful show features the “Tales of Uncle Remus” as chronicled by Joel Chandler Harris in his classic book. Uncle Remus was an old Black Slave on a Southern Plantation who was too old to do regular work, so being as he was good with his hands, he was put to work part-time as his energy would allow, repairing harnesses for mules and other leather work. He also was an avid storyteller of Negro History and Culture. As a boy, the plantation owner had grown up hearing Uncle Remus’ tales and when the owner produced a son, the son was sent to Uncle Remus to hear the same stories. The folklore shows Negro humor, Negro morals, Negro language, Negro attitudes and Negro daily life. These stories should be on everyone’s radar, but instead is slammed as “waysist!” The result is the same as robbing the Negro of his past, but few of them (or others) understand that. The film also features hit songs like Zip a Dee Doo Dah and others. DVDs in both high and low quality are available for purchase on the internet. So is the music.

 Images from SONG OF THE SOUTH 

taken from an internet Search

Another show that was a first to feature Black actors was the classic movie GONE WITH THE WIND, a story set in the Plantation South and recently had its seventieth anniversary. There was some objection to screening it, because it showed “the South in a favorable light.” More propaganda. The movie is based partially on a book, REBEL PRIVATE FRONT AND REAR, the memoirs of William A. Fletcher who served the South during the “Unpleasantness,” or the North’s War of Aggression against the South. (Also called The Civil War, The War Between the States among other things.) Fletcher’s memoirs are a classic in literature, first published in 1910.

 Front Cover of Fletcher's Classic Book

First Published in 1910. Picture is taken from 

the Bloggers article 

in The Barnes Review History Magazine 

which appears elsewhere 

on this blog as 



Radio shows did not feature Black or Negro actors at first. Instead, White or Jewish actors who could imitate Negros were used. To my mind, the best example is The Amos and Andy Show which was very popular with both White and Black. The characters were superb, the stories well-written, funny, entertaining and accurately portrayed the reality of the times. The audio tapes are also readily available on the internet for purchase.

This screenshot is from an internet search

I cannot personally recall any specific time where I saw Negroes dressed up with chalk on their faces to imitate White people, but it could have happened. There sure were, however, many times that Whites would paint their faces black to portray Negroes! There was nothing nasty or bigoted intended nor was there any negative connotation to it. It was little different than going to a costume party dressed up as a pirate, a prostitute, a dancer, a pilot, a witch, a ballerina, a KKK character, a politician or any other character or person! No one attacks costumed people for “impersonations” like that, either!

But today, the bad actors that want to make trouble, portray the “Blackface” as an “evil” thing and get all the publicity to push an agenda. Never is any attempt made to explain why or how "Blackface" really developed! After all, that would spoil the “narrative!” No one explains or objects! Anyone under forty years of age who is not aware of this is going to get “taken-in!!”

Would you believe that the State of California once printed a textbook featuring Blackface??!! Here is the proof:

 This is the Front Cover of a State of California

 Music Textbook for Students. Notice the Date!

There you are, folks!

State of California Textbook with "Blackface!" 

I obtained a copy of this book and placed it in my library. The school was dumping copies at the time, because new editions had been printed. They would not let me have an old copy either, but a sympathetic janitor who knew how much I liked the book, told me to take one while he was not looking! That is how treasures end up in strong hands like mine! The book features a collection of popular American Music including America the Beautiful, The Marines Hymn, Dixie and many folk songs from The United States as well as music from all over the world. It was the/my standard fifth grade Music Textbook in California during the 1950’s and 1960’s!

The Song DIXIE was a favorite of Abraham Lincoln’s and he lost no time making it
“Northern property” when the South lost the war. You can find that story in Burke Davis’ classic book THE CIVIL WAR: STRANGE AND INTERESTING FACTS Pages 184-185. (Davis also wrote the book GREY FOX.) Lincoln stated: “The tune is now Federal Property and it’s good to show the Rebels that with us in power, they will be free to hear it again. It has always been a favorite of mine, and since we’ve captured it, we have the perfect right to hear it.” Well, Lincoln may have meant that at the time, but he could not anticipate the song would get bad press more than a century later! Now, Dixie is clearly on the list of “No-no” songs! After all, the “Orwellians” tell us the song is “waysist!”

What utter garbage!
The point of my article here is simple. Always question everything written, parroted or promoted by the media. It is often the case that what the media prints is nothing but propaganda designed to divide people in unnecessary ways. Let the buyer beware. And let the buyer do his own investigative work.

There is so much fascinating and useful material available to those who care enough to unravel truth…wherever they find it!

Written by

Harald Hesstvedt Scharnhorst 

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