Monday, March 25, 2019


(Edited and updated 4/3/2019)


Unlike reflections, which are real,
most politics tend to be illusions and myths.

With the final so-called "Mueller Report" being delivered to the United States Attorney General, it seems there are "no indictable" crimes committed by President Trump. 

This whole story was a myth from the beginning. It must be horribly embarrassing for the liberal, left-wing media to have to swallow the idea they have been pushing a false narrative for some two years now, and everyone knows it!

CNN, or as we like to call them, "The Corrupt News Network" is losing viewers on a regular basis, according to stats recently released. Nothing new there. These so-called journalists go to school to learn how to lie, how to keep the narrative going in the direction the agenda calls for without any consideration for "truth." Unfortunately, an unsurprising number of them are Jews.

Instead of admitting their mistakes and going on, they change the spin and double-down on their idiocy. What will be the next myth they will promote? It's coming, of that you can be sure!

So, is America really "Great Again" under the direction of Trump? Nope. It is all about making Israel great. Recognizing the Golan Heights as Israeli territory, moving the American Embassy to Jerusalem, cutting aid to the Palestinians, harping on "anti-Semitism instead of Semitism, and condemning legitimate criticism of Israel, are hardly things that "Make America Great." Instead, they amplify the notion that America is a slave state!

America provides for the Israeli Wall by supplying the money to build it. But, the same Jewish-supporting morons and prostitutes on the Washington Merry-go-Round are traitors to America, by opposing any attempt to keep our country's borders secure!

In 1796, President George Washington penned what became known as his "Farewell Address." In it, he reminded Americans not to become embroiled in "foreign entanglements." He was referring to his experiences with the French. On the one hand, Colonists fought the French under the British before the Revolutionary War when the French and Indian War was raging along the Canadian Border. Men, women and children were kidnapped and sold into slavery in Canada. It was not a fun time for the people involved. 

Later, the British lost to the Colonials, because France had a score to settle with Britain. France made life miserable for the British during the Revolutionary War. Blockading Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown, for example, guaranteed the American win.  But, Washington also understood the strange bedfellows people take on through foreign entanglements. Hence the warning. Though his "Farewell Address" is read at the opening of every new Congress in Washington, no Member of Congress heeds his advice!

Today, Israel is the country of choice that America is in love with. That is a source of much dislike for America the world over. When our country unconditionally places the value of another over our own, it is not just stupid and corrupt, but sows seeds of disaster for Americans. We should, as Washington counseled, be fair in  our relations with everyone and trade accordingly, not pit one country against another. But again, this is a huge business racket and will not end until a very strong person comes along to end it!

Titus of the Bible has some good advice:
Titus 1:14: "Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth." Titus 1:10 and 1:11 says:  "For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, especially they of the circumcision. Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things they ought not, for filthy lucres sake."

It should be noted that so-called "Fake News" has always been with us.  When Harry S. Truman succeeded dead President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, he also ran for election when Roosevelt's term was done.  His opponent was not other than Thomas Dewey of New York. At the time The Tammany Hall Mob ran rackets and politics in New York. The Daily Gang ran rackets and the mob in Chicago. And the Thomas Pendergast Gang ran the rackets in Kansas City, Missouri and Kansas City, Kansas. At the time, Truman had been a judge as well as a lawyer, who was the "fixer" for the Pendergast Mob! Dewey was well known as a figure in Tammany Hall. It was perhaps the first time in American history that two genuine crooks ran "against" each other in a presidential election!

What was noteworthy about this "election" was the hatred a Chicago newspaper publisher had for Truman, calling him every name in the book. Most of it was true, but the majority of Americans were in the dark.

The Chicago Tribune newspaper publisher was so sure that Dewey would win, he had typeset a whole front page with the screaming headline DEWEY DEFEATS TRUMAN! They went so far as to DISTRIBUTE the paper far and wide IN ADVANCE and a copy fell into Truman's  hands two days later after the vote, when lo and behold, Truman WON! The famous photograph by W. Eugene Smith, captures Truman's crowing reaction!

Stories about this example of utter "Fake News" has been soft-pedaled by most writers. They call it a "screw-up," but in reality it was pure fraud! Truman did not get a copy of the paper until two days had gone by, and his copy of the paper was accidentally discovered! As many copies as possible were recalled, but many were not, so it stood out as a blatant example of what the press IS willing to do when it suits them!

So, do not believe the false narrative that "Fake News" is a "modern" phenomenon! It is not. It has been around for a long time. Also remember that purpose of the press is NOT TO INFORM! 

Harald Hesstvedt Scharnhorst
Surf photo by the author

Be sure to follow us on Gab: Homefront Books, and be sure to see our Facebook Page HOMEFRONT BOOKS. You can order a copy of our book AN IMMIGRANT REMEMBERS, a classic story of the Second World War and the aftermath, plus a look at how the press operates!

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Sunday, March 17, 2019


(updated March 24, 2019)


THAT is a legitimate question. 

Lately, it seems there are more and more bizarre happenings in our world that make zero sense. In each case "white supremacy" is screamed about as the cause. Everyone from President Trump to Chelsea Clinton is somehow to blame. Never is the blame put on the actual perpetrator, nor is there an investigation conducted as to any "cause." Each time the "agenda-ists" come out of the woodwork with lines like "we need more gun laws" or something equally non-sequitur.

In looking soberly at the Mosque Massacre in New Zealand a few things come to mind. Since when is a "white supremacist" going to promote China as an example of his "values?" I cannot imagine what those two contradictory positions (China and "White Supremacism") possibly have in common. If a man is a true "white supremacist," wouldn't he logically be promoting his own people's values and not those of a different race?! It does not take a degree in rocket science to determine the fallacy here!

NO, this does not make sense at all. However, it plays right into the hands of those who actively promote unnecessary friction between peoples! 

Is this possibly another red herring, another "false flag operation" which seem to be so popular these days? That is also a fair question.
The fact that this man's "manifesto" is banned is interesting. Why ban it? Is there something there, or not there, that somehow puts to lie the official narrative? Without an examination of the writings there is no way to be sure, is there? And with the banning of the alleged film on the incident, how can anyone determine the truth of anything? There are stories about which suggest the Mosque in question was a recruitment ground for evil-doers. Is that true or false? These are all legit questions any proper investigator would normally ask.

 Why the secrecy around this mans face? Why blot it out as has been done on videos of the man shown in court?

This is not likely the work of some "loony," but has all the earmarks of a clever attempt to create smoke and mirrors at the expense of others. It is just "too well done" and too well "choreographed!" The players all have their lines memorized!

In the meantime, on the other side of the world is another huge massacre, in Nigeria to be exact. It involves Nigerian Christians who have been slaughtered by Muslims in an ongoing race/religious war involving groups like Boko Haram, for instance. Some one hundred twenty (120) are dead and nary a peep out of the media.
Why is there no hue and cry about this obvious atrocity in the hysterical media??

Apparently, 120 Nigerians slaughtered by Muslims is just fine. But a so-called "white supremacist" who slaughters 50 Muslims is horrible! Again, it does not take a rocket scientist to see through this apparent charade. 

Here is a link you can copy and paste for the whole story:

Christians are among the most persecuted of all religions of the world currently. Whether in Syria by the Muslims or Nigeria by the Muslims or elsewhere by the same bunch or others, the story is the same. The "sleaze-stream press" is nowhere there to take up the mantle of the Christian or the white man who is continually being trashed, but instead blow out of proportion any alleged atrocity against Muslims.

It's a crazy world out there folks. Be very careful what you believe from the sleazy media until enough info is in to draw a very objective picture! In the meantime, maintain a cool head and ask tough questions. Better to be wrong in asking than to fail to inquire!

The blogger

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