Thursday, August 6, 2015


     I couldn’t help laughing the other day with Professor Kevin McDonald who suggested the term “cuckservative” to describe certain “wannabe conservatives,” individuals who seem to stumble over themselves to be “politically correct!” I had a massively good laugh at his suggested uses for the term. I think the time has come to take on the “name callers” of the world using their tactics!
     Being the “devious and demented” soul I am, I have some other suggestions for names that should be used regularly. It is a common way for “politically correct” morons to end a discussion by calling someone a “racist!” Nobody wants to be called that it seems. Why not? The world is full of them. They come in all shapes and sizes. There are Black racists, Jewish racists, Asian Racists, Racist Agitators and so on. They are as common as ants! You get the idea. So, instead of going into cardiac arrest when someone calls you names just smile and say, “Oh so you are one of those ‘Besotted Racists’ who cannot think of anything else! Please explain to me how it feels to be a “Besotted Racist?!” Or you can tailor your comments to the situation: "So you are a 'Jewish Racist,' then?" Change the term to fit the occasion! You may get some stares, maybe even make them mad! Score one for you! Or if that does not seem to your liking, tell them yes, you are a racist. You like races. You race cars at Indianapolis, Le Mans, Carlsbad and Daytona! Make fun of THEM and make it understood you are not intimidated! Then proceed to tell them you like certain cars better than others because they are superior! Tell them you are a “car supremacist” and see what they say!
     If someone accuses you of being a “homophobe” because you point out that homosexuality does not make practical sense and is in fact a dead end for society, just call them a “clockophobe” who are infatuated with the “art” of bestiality! Be sure to shake your head and smile sadly and wish them well with their “clockophobia!” They won’t know what to say, but some will be amused and will remember!
     When someone calls you an “anti-Semite” because you object to certain Jewish bad behavior just ask them how long they have suffered from “Semitism!” It will get you a real reaction! Better yet, just pity them that they are such “Kike suckers” at heart! They will not know what to say. One of two things will happen; they will either get really mad or ignore you! If enough people did that sort of thing regularly, it would not be long before the Masters of the Universe will pay for their verbal crimes and look like the idiots they are!
     If someone wants you to be “politically correct” or accuses you of not being, ask them why they use words like that because politics and correctness have nothing in common! Why would anyone want to emulate the biggest genociders of all time like Joseph David Djugasvilli Stalin, Mao Tse-tung, Pol Pot or Adolph Hitler?! Be sure to include Hitler as that will really infuriate them! Tell them that all these jokers were “politically correct!” Also don’t forget to mention to your tormentor he is in good company with those guys!
     If someone objects to trophy hunting, ask them if they are a vegetarian. If they are not (and most are not) be sure ask them why they kill animals for meat! Call them “Bossie Killers” and “Cattle Killers” and “Animal Haters” and see what they have to say! Ask them to explain the difference between killing a lion and a cow! They cannot! The difference is: it takes TWO shots to kill both!
     If you do not like Palestinians being genocided and they call you anti-Israel ask them why they are such Israelophobes! It will get you some stares, too!  If they tell you that Israel has “the right to exist” ask them who gave them that right! Ask them who stole the land from Palestinians if it wasn’t the Israelis? If that does not do it ask them why Israel is so special. After all, Israelis kill each other in their displays of brotherly love, too! Recently a convicted killer was let loose from an Israeli Prison and he went out and killed again. It seems he hated homosexuals. Oh my! Even my “favorite” racist Israeli leader, “Yitzhak Rabin” was assassinated by a “radical Israeli!” Nothing like great men to look up to! You will get some interesting reactions.
     Fly the Southern Flag and see what happens! Put it on your car, too! Just tell the critics the flag originated in Scotland anyway and that it is just another of many fine Christian Flags! They will be speechless! Ask them why they hate Christians! Explain to them that General Robert E. Lee is your favorite American hero! Quote him as follows: “The education of a man is not complete until he dies!!”
     If someone calls you a “hater” ask them why Israel, The Talmud and some Jews hate Christians, or why Israel cannot keep peace with its neighbors! Ask them why “Only the hate shall live” seems to govern Israeli behavior! Or tell them that a good hate is far better than a bad one and watch the confusion on their faces! Tell them that hate is fine as long as it is an “approved hate!” You can refine your comments to fit the reactions! This is a list in development and I will add to it as circumstances allow and my thinking cap works overtime! Maybe you can come up with some better ones. Have at it folks, IT IS TIME FOR A NEW LANGUAGE. GIVE IT BACK TO THESE SELF RIGHTEOUS CULTURE DISTORTERS!

 Written, Photographed and Published by
            Harald Hesstvedt Scharnhorst

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