Wednesday, July 3, 2024



Liars and Censors!

Trails in the Sky!

There is nothing that is more irritating to people who are interested in facts and truthful observations, than to see legitimate concerns and opinions marginalized and censored.

We live in a "Make-believe" world that is full of all kinds of agendas and make-believe stories. It is getting worse and worse by the day. If the people that think they RUN our world REALLY believe in "diversity," and really believe in "contrary opinions" and really belive in "free expressions," then they do not need to marginalize anything, nor do they need to censor anything.

The way to resolve things is through honest discussions. While many of us welcome that, there are people in power who want total control of the narrative, no matter whether it is correct or not.

What is embarrassing to the "powers that be," is that sooner or later the truth comes out. Look at the embarrassing way in which Joe Biden, our puppet president in the US, has conducted himself over the course of his "term." The MSM (mainstream media) has covered for him every time he makes a goof. Now after a "debate" with Candidate Donald Trump, the World was horrified to see what bumbling idiot the man is. No need to "cover it up" anymore.

I maintain a video position on You Tube. I also maintain one on Brighteon Social, and I may add others over time. The purpose is diversification, to guard against censorship and/or loss. I used to post videos on GAB too, but they shut down their TV for "economic" reasons. It was a shame, because I had a decent audience there!

Recently, I produced a Production Video called CHEM TRAILS. It showed the government practice of spraying around the world in very graphic scenes. YouTube immediately put a disclaimer ABOVE my explantion, making fun of my confusing CHEM TRAILS with CONTRAILS! They are not the same! Today, as I went to YouTube to get the URL for a post, I discovered the Video is GONE, HIDDEN, they say! It is still up on Brighteon! You can copy and paste and see CHEM TRAILS here:

After my experience with CHEM TRAILS on YouTube, I decided to use different terms! I called the next video THE SPRAYERS and never mentioned "chemtrails" in the narrative. It was NOT tagged or removed! You can find that video on YouTube and Brighteon. Here is the Brighteon link:

These are valuable videos that make a correct statement and deserve to be widely diseminated! 

Remember that there is a lot of deliberate misinformation out there. That is done to give the impression that contrary opinions are just Photoshopped junk not fit to be seen and thereby are  discredited. Also beware of what you see. Best to verify if you can. There is a lot of AI stuff out there. I am not a fan of that personally, and do not use AI at all. I may never use it. I do not like to use the word "never" in this context. We will have to see how AI evolves!

All Original content written and produced by the Blogger
Harald Hesstvedt Scharnhorst

(I post videos to YouTube as HAL SCHARN CHANNEL
on Brighteon as Harald Scharnhorst Videos.
I also post to Facebook and GAB under the same name.

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