Tuesday, April 9, 2019



BECAUSE it is so much fun!

THE MEDIA is obsessed with Racism! 

The Yucca and Heaven

All one has to do these days is to open any American Media and see how popular racism is!
You will find such never-ending articles on almost everything:

Whites are racist.
Blacks are racists.
Jews are racists.
Republicans are racists.
Democrats are racists.
Muslims are racists.
 Left wingers are racists.
Right Wingers are racists.
The Media is racist.
Government is racist.
Politicians are racists! 
Women are racists.
Men are racists.
"Its" are racist.
College students are racists. 
Mothers are racists.
Fathers are racists.
Surfers are racists. 
Cake bakers are racists.
Cops are racists....
Gees, do I have to go on?!! 


Can we please take a step back, then take a long deep breath and just do a little thinking? 

Now why would we want to do that? 
THAT'S racist too!

My feeling is we have reached a saturation point of no return with all this one-sided propaganda. I posted a quick commentary on GAB about CBS Sports. They and other media have been beating to death the lack of respect for the American flag shown by Kaepernick and other so-called sports heroes and making them out to be some kind of role model for their disrespectful behavior.
But now CBS sports is called out for their own hypocritical disrespect. It seems when the coach and team displayed in the article below went to PRAY TO GOD with his team, the CBS Sports cameras panned to other, irrelevant material! You can copy and paste the following link into your browser. It is a great read!


Wherever I look today in the American media, all I see is false propaganda against any and everything that has been right and proper. Any builder of civilizations is "hoorawed" and marginalized. Mediocrity is praised and false equality is the mantra of the day. They do this without shame. The media has taken off the gloves. They now virtually admit they exist only for the purpose of brainwashing. There is a simple solution: just turn off the TV and any and all these propagandists. They are not worth your time and effort.

Develop  new sources of information. Develop friendships and connections in your land and other lands. Learn a new language or trade. Exchange thoughts and opinions with other people. Ask your new friends what is important to them! Visit them! Share new foods, culture and ideas with them. Look at their cultures and ask yourselves what have these people contributed to history!
You will not only learn real history in the process, but learn the feelings and views of other cultures as well.
And you will do it in a proper venue without all the hoopla, false prejudice and propaganda.
You will find people out there smarter than you, You will find people not as smart as you. You will find people who are better at some things than others. You will times you are better than they. You will find yourself coming up short sometimes! Exchanging ideas and thoughts are a cornerstone of both understanding and progress. You will find those whom you have much in common with, and those you don't!

 I wrote in a previous blog post about American President George Washington and how in his FAREWELL ADDRESS to the American people advanced the idea of trading with all and being fair to all rather that hang onto a notion of being kinder to one nation than another. If you do not respect the folkways, mores or religions of others, one can hardly expect respect in return.
In your quest, you will run into much bigotry, dislike, outright hostility and those who make it a point to do harm. Let those sleeping dogs lie. They are not like you and need to be kept on a close watch. Eternal vigilance is needed there. They are the ones who stir up people for filthy lucres sake, have no plan to build a better world,  and suffer no decency or respect for others.

It is natural for people to like themselves best, to have pride in their nations and tribes. It is always good to look up to those stronger than you IF they are fit to rule. It is always the preferred station in life to be strong, because through strength you can be properly compassionate about others! If you are too far down the totem pole, the likelihood is you will only make a good slave!

An American Indian leader (now deceased, David Yeagley by name), said it best: The White Man's biggest fault is his conscience! It is through that conscience he can be grossly manipulated! Having a conscience is great, as long as you know how to handle it. Today, White folks and others who are under siege from all directions have forgotten that while a conscience is wonderful tool, letting someone abuse it is not! Wherever you are, do not let those with a real ax to grind, marginalize you or make you feel guilty for anything.

There has never been anyone who is so perfect he cannot improve or be criticized, nor so bad that everything he does is always wrong. There are many deceivers. Even they sometimes find time to be right just as a still-standing clock tells the correct time twice a day! That thought makes some people very uncomfortable!

It's time to do ones own thinking, folks and to reject the bleating of wolves in the media. The logic here is that wolves do not "bleat!" They just kill! And you do not want to be the sheep they slaughter and eat!

There IS perfection in our World! 

The Blogger 

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