And this
may be the start of more of the same around the world! Way to go,
It is really funny to watch the establishment media run their "shock and awe" circus! CNN, for instance, ran an article on "REGRETS-IT" implying that people regretted their vote! CNN has also suggested that the referendum is not binding, so therefore can be ignored! Is there no shame at all for the way these prostitutes twist everything?
It is truly amazing to me that a socialist country like England, with so many on public assistance and so many working for the government, can actually get a majority to vote for leaving the dictatorship of the EU! It is very significant. It simply says that Britain is tired of being used as a dumping ground for the EU's immigration trash, and sick and tired of being told what to do in all other matters. Britain and Europe can do all the trading and working together they want without compromising the integrity and independence of Britain or anyone else. That is not the way the EU bureaucrats in Brussels see it, however. They just want more and more economic and physical power over everyone and it clearly is not working. The EU economically is on the verge of collapse. One cannot expect more productive European Countries to constantly prop up weaker ones. The whole thing needs to break up into more manageable national enclaves as before, so each nation can decide for themselves what is the best action for THEM, not some faceless idiot in Brussels!
It is sometimes helpful to remember that Adolf Hitler was a proponent of a United Europe many years ago. He was met with derision for that. Many years later, the idea was floated about a United States of Europe and the Euro currency was born! Then it was touted as a wonderful thing! Apparently it was not a question of "whether," but of "who runs" the show! It is laughable!
It is sometimes helpful to remember that Adolf Hitler was a proponent of a United Europe many years ago. He was met with derision for that. Many years later, the idea was floated about a United States of Europe and the Euro currency was born! Then it was touted as a wonderful thing! Apparently it was not a question of "whether," but of "who runs" the show! It is laughable!
It pays to bear in mind that the EU was an experiment in World Government. It is a colossal failure on all fronts and the sooner it goes "bye-bye" the better for everyone! Don't expect the "Reptiles that Be" to take it all sitting down. They will manipulate the value of the British Pound and other items to suit their own agenda in an effort to convince people that independence is a terrible idea. In the long run it won't fly, but look for a rocky road ahead.
All one has to do is look at NAFTA and other Sovereignty-robbing and employment-ruining treaties the US has been subjected to in the past few decades and see what has happened to America economically to realize this is all very bad for all of us. My best guess is that independence movements will continue. Smaller is Better!
Washington, the EU, Israel and other incompetents have been running the show for too long. They are trying their best (or worst) to get a war started between Russia and Europe. That is the last thing anybody wants or needs, but the War Drums keep beating on a daily basis! Don't be fooled by all the hoopla....its a good deal for armament makers and others like them but a bad deal all around for the rest of us!
Its always best to have and continually strive for good relations with everyone, instead of trying to play World Bully. President George Washington said it best, when in his Farewell Address, he spoke against foreign entanglements. The results of disregarding his sound advice speak for themselves!
The Sun Needs to Set on World Government!
Image from Blogger's collection
The Sun Needs to Set on World Government!
Image from Blogger's collection
Written and Posted by
Harald Hesstvedt Scharnhorst
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