Friday, July 31, 2020



The current rage to "Mask" everyone in the United States has nothing to do with "health." It has nothing to do with preventing the spread of disease. Masks MIGHT help if you sneeze and have a cold.

Authorities in the United States have gone from saying Masks are useless to Masks are required. Countries like Taiwan, Sweden and the Netherlands have just stated there is no proof of effectiveness. As a matter of fact, masks may do harm....

As can be seen from the above graph, mysteriously, FLU has disappeared while Covid cases RISE... That raises some serious questions as to honesty in reporting numbers. That has been a problem throughout this whole "pandemic" scare.

The following article and graph is worth looking over as it gives an alternative way of handling this so-called "epidemic" that has scared the hell out of people all over the world and has cost the United States an almost 35% loss of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). There is a lot of skullduggery here, folks!

The following is from my Facebook Post:

The other day someone on Facebook, who should know better, castigated those of us who show NO RESPECT by refusing to wear masks. The Story they quoted appeared in the New York Times, hardly a bastion of accuracy.
One does not have to be a doctor to understand the meaning of COMMON SENSE, something not common anymore!
It is not disrespectful to refuse to wear masks. Mask makers state that the masks are not effective. Doctors question their effectiveness. Masks can make people sick because we breathe IN the gases we are supposed to EXPEL. Young men in China (age 14) have died while doing exercises wearing masks.
When I do drywall jobs or sanding wood, I wear a RESPIRATOR. In such situations they are desirable because they filter the dirty air and allow the expelling of human gasses. The face masks perform no such service.
The other day, a group of doctors went public with their successful efforts to cure people of Covid. I posted the story below. The Phony Dr. Fauci dismissed them as "people who are spreading misinformation," and social media giants have taken down the post. Dr. Faucet (as I snidely call him) has a bad reputation from the time of the Polio panic, misdiagnosing the cause of Aids and other matters. He has changed his mind several times on the the mask requirement and is not reliable except that he constantly pushes for vaccines. Why is the establishment so AFRAID of alternatives??? It is just MONEY, dummies, just MONEY!
I know people on an inexpensive chemical (Hydroxychloroquine) which even President Trump has mentioned. Because it is cheap and available, it is not acceptable to big Pharma. Nothing new there, either!
Doctors are regularly sued for malpractice. That's why they carry malpractice insurance!! Doctors make many wrong calls and the CDC offers statistics on the numbers. You can believe them or not. It is common for patients to seek SECOND OPINIONS when they are diagnosed with serious illnesses. Opinions are just that, OPINIONS. They may be right or wrong, but disagreeing with a doctor's call is both proper and reasonable. Doctors have perhaps the highest rate of illnesses of any professional group and are not always good examples. They are right and wrong, just like anybody else. And to worship them as "un-failable" authorities is STUPID!
The CDC (Center for Disease control) claims hospitals kill 100,000 or more each year due to INFECTIONS gained while in the hospitals. I personally know people who have been in and out of hospitals REGULARLY, who also regularly get INFECTIONS! Nobody has a monopoly on "medicine!"
If one set of treatments is not working, doctors and honest people everywhere SHOULD WELCOME ALL SUGGESTIONS AND METHODS FOR CURE OR PREVENTION and not operate like Quack Medicine purveyors of the past. In the 1800's many children became drug addicts for the simple reason that Laudanum and other highly addictive drugs were given routinely for too many problems!
George Washington was killed by doctors using the accepted techniques of the day. Our first President had pneumonia and the accepted cure was BLEEDING! It was common during the Civil War in the US, for "doctors" to go from one amputation (using saws) to the next without any sanitation AT ALL, so infections were transferred from one soldier to the next. Some 50% died as a result. It was believed that PUSS was a sign of HEALING! And these were regular practices conducted by so called physicians! We MAY be more sophisticated today, but we are not always RIGHT! And we very likely can be wrong!
When viruses, microbes and bacteria and such were discovered, THE FIRST PEOPLE TO DENY THEIR EXISTENCE WERE DOCTORS! Nothing new there, either. They were just "protecting" themselves and their "profession!"
Start using your brains, folks. That's what they are for. A little research is something anyone and everyone can do and you don't need a "title" or a "position!"

End of Facebook Post.

The following link and video has been removed and censored by Silicone Valley because it goes against the conventional methods of dealing with Covid 19. Again, as above, if alternative methods work, they should be tried and used. What is there to lose? Who cares about Big Pharma's profits anyway? They don't care about me or YOU!

Just copy and paste the above addresses into you browser and do your own research. Remember to always keep your own counsel. One thing is to listen to others, but ultimately we are all responsible for our own decisions. Be especially wary of propaganda pushed by the World Health Organization (WHO), Big Pharma and government leaders with connections to the pharmaceutical industry. They are ghouls and mobsters of the worst kind! REMEMBER THAT WHENEVER CENSORSHIP IS EMPLOYED, IT IS DONE TO DECEIVE. Just refuse to be deceived!

Added on August 2, 2020:

It seems The Netherlands, a small European country, is not crazy about people wearing Masks. No proven benefit, they say. Interesting. Even Ministries of Health "professionals" disagree with American stipulations! You can copy and paste the following address and read the article for yourself!

End of addition.

Written and produced by the Blogger

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Saturday, July 18, 2020



Deer Ridge Lookout in
The Idaho Panhandle National Forest

There was a time when Forest Fire Lookouts in the forests of the American West were used as a primary source of information about fires. Often they were located on the highest peaks of the mountains. There was a phone line running to the top of each tower which was connected to a headquarters somewhere in a nearby small town.

Looking West to Queen Ridge
from Deer Ridge Lookout

During lightning storms, a tower operator would stay hunkered down in the tower to keep from being hit by lightning. Often heavy rain would accompany the storms.

Looking Southwest
from Deer Ridge Lookout

Because the West is usually dry in the Summer, lightning ignites many fires as do careless campers and other humans. The towers would operate with triangulation devices which would allow an operator to give specific compass bearing on a fire. They would be coordinated with other lookout towers and a crossing of the bearings indicated the location of fires. The proper term for this action is "triangulation!"

Looking East
from Deer Ridge Lookout

In some parts of the West, Smoke-jumpers would parachute out of airplanes with shovels and other tools and locate and put out the lightning cause spot fires. Missoula, Montana was a major Smoke-jumper base for the Northern Rockies. The system worked well for many decades. With the advent and use of airplanes to spot fires, not to mention satellites, the need for the fire lookouts decreased.

Looking South
through the cross beams
of Deer Ridge Lookout

There are still towers in operation. In the Cleveland National Forest of Southern California, the Palomar Mountain Lookout (High Point) is still staffed by volunteers. The blogger knows them personally. Nearby Boucher Hill Lookout in Palomar Mountain State Park is staffed likewise. There are others. But for the most part, the towers have been taken down, or blown down. In the Case of the Roman-Nose Tower in the Idaho Panhandle National Forest of Idaho, the tower simply blew over in a huge windstorm. It had not been maintained for years and it may be that the wires holding it had deteriorated or broken. Regardless, this magnificent tower is no more.

Three Views of the Inside!

One day, some enterprising Forest Service Employee suggested a new use for the towers! Maintain them, keep them operational and rent them out to TOURISTS for overnight stays! That has proven successful and as a result there are many towers still around!

A Walk around the Catwalk of Deer Ridge Lookout is posted to my U Tube Channel and can be viewed here (copy and paste):

So anyone who wants the experience can reserve a night or more stay at these towers. It is an unforgettable experience!

Posted by
Harald Hesstvedt Scharnhorst

Photographs by the Blogger

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Monday, July 13, 2020



The Following is from my Facebook Page and reproduced here for educational purposes.

A "Friend" on Facebook confessed to me the other day that he was a systemic "racist," and that he was working every day to become "less racist."

I have come to the conclusion that people who waste their precious time being brainwashed with such drivel to that extent are not salvageable.

They watch the propaganda news and have, over time, become so besotted with whatever is bandied about they have lost their ability to think clearly and critically.
BLM (Black Lives Matter, a Soros funded group of Marxists) has been an active destroyer of many things in America lately that they have no business touching, all supposedly because "blacks" have been mistreated so much by "Colonials" and "whites." It is all garbage. Name me one person who has not been mistreated (or thinks he or she has) by someone else at some point in his or her life! It is a part of the "hazard of living."

Slavery is a "many splendored thing" and has been practiced by all peoples at one time or another. These spoiled brats who riot and destroy do not know how to build a society and cannot run one if it stared them in their face. They should be returned to their roots and maybe then they will figure out how spoiled and despicable they really are! Then again, maybe they lack the critical skills to realize that!

Sometimes it is nice to remember that Blacks, Semites, Arabs, Orientals and many others have been traditional slavers throughout history.

Today I want to introduce you to one such fellow!
William Ansah Sasreku (sessarakoo) was an African with the title of "prince." His father was a merchant who dealt in Gold and Slaves as a matter of daily living. He sent his son to England to be educated so he could become a better trader. William was captured and sold into slavery on the way to England. His father learned of his fate, had the boy ransomed and then again sent to England. He became quite a dandy and a favorite of the Europeans he dealt with. He came home and become a significant slaver in Ghana! His story is featured on the internet in great detail and he is but one example of thousands just like him!

The Independent Ghana newspaper ran a feature on William some four months ago. You can read it for yourself here. Notice the TONE of the article. No condemnation, no threats, just simple reporting. After all, Slavery is a very common thing in Africa, as in many parts of the world. It DOES NOT HAVE A STIGMA ATTACHED TO IT like here in America or even in Europe! It is now often called "human trafficking," but it all amounts to the same thing!

Copy and paste this web address:

Enjoy the education folks, and the next time some idiot wants to tell you what a "racist" you are because you are white, just try to educate him. If he is suffering from "learning disability," just pity him and move on with your life!

Written by the Blogger

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Sunday, July 5, 2020



There are thousands of small towns across America. This is Troy, Montana, home to a few thousand who live and work in Mining, Forestry,  Agricultural and other work. Each year, the City has sponsored a spectacular Fireworks Show. Not this year. They decided to cancel it and made no effort to restore it. So, some private folks decided to donate both time and financial assistance, and they pulled off a slick show for the evening.

Here the American Flag waves in the breeze in front of the Historical Museum which features interesting pictures, newspaper articles and items used during the early Mining and Logging Days.
While waiting for the big event, young folks play with Fireworks....

As dusk approaches, the Moon rises
and competes with the Fireworks display!

Here is a short view of the well-done Fireworks at Troy, Montana, July Fourth, 2020.
Enjoy the show!

Happy Independence Day
to us all!

Written by
Harald Hesstvedt Scharnhorst

Videos by the Blogger

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Wednesday, July 1, 2020



Like Great Photographs, "Quotations" have long lives!

Over the years, many "famous" people have made insightful comments that really and truly not only "Make Sense" but are also worth remembering and paying attention to!

The Blogger is not partial to whether the people to whom these comments are attributed, are remembered by "false history" as "good" or "bad" people. All we are concerned with here is the QUALITY of the comments and whether or not they are correct and therefore useful in our daily lives.

It can be said with surety, that comments which do not reflect the current political climate are often either ignored or despised!

Here is a partial list of some interesting comments!

How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don't think. Attributed to Adolph Hitler.

How many times in daily life do we see the truth of this? People REACT to everything, they do not THINK!

Life is like a game, there could be many players. If you do not play with them, they will play with you!
Attributed to Adolph Hitler.

Just say the wrong thing on "social media," or "like" the wrong thing and you will lose your job without recourse!

The receptivity of the masses is very limited, their intelligence is small, but their power of forgetting is enormous. In consequence of these facts, all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these in slogans until the last member of the public understands what you want him to understand by your slogan. Attributed to Adolph Hitler.

Just look at some of the slogans of today:
1) "Black Lives Matter." Do they? Blacks kill each other in huge numbers! It's just a political slogan.
2) "Politically Correct." What does that mean? Politics is the dirtiest word in the English Language! You cannot team it with "Correct!"
3) "Progressive." What does that mean? It is another name for "Communism!"
4) "Liberal." In years past, a liberal was a man who was "open minded" and considered ALL SIDES of any question before making an evaluation or a judgment. Today, a "liberal" is a first-rate problem child! These are just a few examples.

Republics decline into Democracies and Democracies degenerate into Despotisms. Attributed to Aristotle.

Just look at America and the West. The great civilizations are turned into hell-holes in the twinkling of an eye when people forget their past and are NOT willing to defend it!

Not to know what happened before you were born is to be a child forever. For what is the time of a man except it be interwoven with that memory of ancient things of a superior age.
Attributed to Cicero.

History is the sum total of the experience of generations. It does not have to be either "bad" or "good." It is what it is, and needs to be remembered for its contributions and its lessons!

He who controls the food supply, controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money controls the world. Attributed to Henry Kissinger.

If you are dependent on others for everything, you are a real slave! ONE DISRUPTION in the supply chain and you have problems galore! Money is not the same as VALUE.

Youth is the gift of Nature,
but age is the work of Art.
Attributed to Stanislaw Jerzy Lec.

Youth is fresh and new and has to learn everything. Older folks have experienced a lot and have judgment. It may not always be perfect, but it is the sum total of events over a lifetime. Much can be learned of Wisdom by consulting with "Elders!"

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid!
Attributed to Benjamin Franklin.

Stupid does as stupid is, is a good line as well. There is nothing wrong with making mistakes. But repeating them over and over is not just a sign of ignorance, but utter stupidity. Learn from ones own mistakes and those of others!

If you do not take an interest in the affairs of your government, then you are doomed to live under the rule of fools.
Attributed to Plato

Look at the actions of American Politicians of today. They are all complete morons, do not have a single original idea in their heads, violate their terms of office, violate the Constitution daily and are subservient to the Deep State and others.. They have ZERO INTEREST in serving THE PEOPLE.

Politicians are the lowest form of life on Earth. Liberal Democrats are the lowest form of politicians.
Attributed to General George S. Patton.

Patton was a brilliant WW2 General in the American Army. He knew what he was talking about. The "powers that be" feared him and he died a mysterious death...

History is not there for you to like or dislike. It is there for you to learn from and if it offends, even better because then you are less likely to repeat it. It is not yours to erase. It belongs to us all to be faced with courage and grace.
From Wolfs Lair News.

Next time you see a statue toppled, a building looted and burned, ask yourself the question: Who are those that do this and why are they alive to do it? They are wreckers of civilizations and do not deserve any part or place in it!

Think about that for a while....

and compiled
Harald Hesstvedt Scharnhorst

Photograph as credited.

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Not to know what happened before u  be a child forever.