Sunday, December 30, 2018

New Year's Wishes!


To all our readers, thank you for visiting our blog and thank you for your comments. We wish all a very prosperous New Year to come!

Enjoy our short video!
Here is the link: 

 Words and Video by
The Blogger

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Monday, December 24, 2018



We spied a young cat sitting in one of our Apple Trees a few days before Christmas. At first we were not sure what the animal was, as in the gloom of a snowy day, it was hard to tell! 
I grabbed my trusty camera and went out for a look. It was the cat, alright, sitting high in the tree away from all harm and surveying his domain, looking for vermin! 

So in honor of his "Royal Cattiness" and with a grateful thanks for my readers around the world, I penned a small poem in his honor!

Twas a few Days before Christmas
and all through the Apple Tree
not a Creature was Stirring
not even little ole photographer me!

The Apple Tree Cat took up the Watch
safe as could be from all harm,
Watching as the Snow fell
on the Tree, the Apple Tree Cat and the Barn!

As the Apple Tree Cat sat on the limb so secure,
with his paw wrapped around just so right,
it spoke to me with a wee ole voice:
and May all your Apple Cores be Bright!"

Merry Christmas
Best Wishes from the Blogger

Photo and Poem by
Harald Hesstvedt Scharnhorst

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Tuesday, December 4, 2018



The Great Spirit Watches!

This article was published in the Annual Expanded September/October Issue of THE BARNES REVIEW, A Journal of Politically Incorrect History. Here is the cover of this issue:

As you can probably guess, the issue is devoted to many instances of man's inhumanity to man. We invite you to subscribe to the Journal.

Here is our contribution which is in the style of photo-journalism, and begins 
on page 12:

End of article. 

Some of the pictures printed in our story were taken from a myriad of photographs featured on the walls of the auditorium at Nez Perce National Historical Park at Lapwai, Idaho, the Headquarters Unit. There are some eight scattered units in this park, administered by the National Park Service.

In addition, many photographs were taken at Bear Paw and Park HQ at Lapwai, Idaho. They could not be included in the Journal due to space limitations. However, we publish a few of them here for your information and enjoyment!

Moon setting over Bear Paw Battlefield

Afternoon at Bear Paw Battlefield

Deserted Battlefield Site at Dawn

One of many Commemorative Plaques at Bear Paw, 
Honoring the Dead and Survivors on both sides.

Looking West towards The Flagpole 
and Entrance to Bear Paw Battlefield

 Chief Joseph and Colonel Miles Plaque

Close-up of the famous Plaque:
"...I Will Fight No More Forever..."

Remembering Jim Earthboy

Remembering Horace Axtell, 
Jim Earthboy's Friend

Predawn Halo in the Sky at Bear Paw.

A Replica of the Canoes that Lewis and Clark used on their way down the Clearwater, Snake and Columbia Rivers on their way to the Pacific Ocean. This is another unit of the Nez Perce National Historic Park.

Another view of the same Canoe

Park Entrance at the Headquarters Unit near 
Lapwai, Idaho with the Museum in the background

Park and Picnic Grounds

Replica of Henry Spaulding's Missionary School 
for the Nez Perce 

Nez Perce Cemetery
featuring Old Heroes and New Ones

A Survivor of Bear Paw is buried here

This Man was but a Boy 
during the Battle at Bear Paw. 
He lived to be almost 100 years old

Nez Perce Indian and his Spotted Appaloosa Pony on the Reservation. This photograph hangs in the Auditorium
 at the Lapwai, Idaho Museum. 
The Sepia Toned Print is one of  many.

Incredibly Intricate and Beautiful Design 
made by a Nez Perce Woman
is displayed at the Lapwai Museum. 

More Nez Perce Design Work 

 Proud Grandfather 
an Interested Grandson.
Picture hangs in the 
Park Museum Auditorium

Indian Chief Head Dress 
displayed at the Museum

Remnants of Henry Spaulding's
Missionary School at Lapwai. 

Gravestone of 
Henry Spaulding
and Wife

Museum Display
featuring a
Nez Perce Sweat Lodge

Chief Yellow Bull
Another Survivor of
The Battle of Bear Paw


(This Annual Event was held 
October 7, 2017)

A National Park Service Employee
lays out the Buffalo Robe, the Scull, and the Lance 
(a symbol of Those who Died at Bear Paw).
In this montage, 
Red Thunder is seen addressing his People, 
the Leaders all gather together to Pray, 
Sing and Bear Testimony in Remembrance
 of what took place at Bear Paw long ago.
Almost all the Vehicles that brought the Participants
were modern. The food serving line is shown under the
cover at the Battlefield.

TBR Article by the Blogger

All Photography
Harald Hesstvedt Scharnhorst

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Monday, November 26, 2018



Over the years, I have watched people from many Christian Denominations "spread the gospel" to other lands. They are dedicated believers who spend their own money and time to "convert" others to their way of thinking. I have always had an instinctive impression it is a total waste of time.

That may not sit well with many who honestly believe it is their duty to "help" others that way.

The fact is, this is not limited to religious matters. It is true in so many ways.

Just take a look at America today. Statistics show our nation consists of 40% people who are not just overweight, but downright FAT! The worst thing is, they like it that way. One can see front page articles in magazines touting the idea that "Fat is beautiful!" What utter rubbish. Fat is DISEASE, pure and simple. 
I went to a car parts store the other day to get a part I needed to repair my car. Of the three men behind the counter, all of them were FAT! Each had a belly, that if seen on a woman, she would look pregnant! 

I ask you to compare ANY PHOTOGRAPH taken of any American of the 1950's through the 1980's with the American of today, one of the first things that stands out is there ARE NO FAT PEOPLE to be seen! During those times, obesity was confined to a very small percentage of the population. It was a shame to be fat and most unusual. Today, it is hard to find an American who isn't fat to some extent.

Two American Army Soldiers in 1964

So what caused the difference? All you have to do is look at the shopping baskets of Americans as they go through their favorite "Junk Food Supermarket" and you will have the answer. When they don't feel good they visit their "doctor," often another overweight man who is a poor choice of mentor! 

What can be done about it?

Absolutely nothing!

Don't bother to even try to help these people. They do not want it and deeply resent any "advice" you may choose to give, no matter how "helpful" or "correct" or "well-meant!" Let them die in their own sins. IT IS tough to watch, but I have found that one needs to develop a "tough skin" on this and other subjects.

Getting back to my point about missionaries, here is an example of a well-meaning young man who stuck his nose where it wasn't wanted and paid with his own life. "God," he said, "I do not want to die." Read the article for yourself and learn from it....if you can!

Harald Hesstvedt Scharnhorst

Photograph of author and buddy as soldiers was taken by an unknown buddy and cropped and edited for publication by the blogger. This photograph also appears on page 303 of AN IMMIGRANT REMEMBERS, a book written by the blogger with profuse illustrations and fascinating stories from The Second World War and the aftermath. Visit our Facebook Page: Homefront Books for ordering information.

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Thursday, November 22, 2018



The Innocent Boy

Running stories like this one, invites verbal abuse from those who think that mutilation of male and female genitals is just dandy.

In most parts of the world this shameful act is either illegal or shunned as being barbaric.


But those who practice it, do so with an almost maniacal zealousness that shocks those who dislike or disapprove of the practice.  These same people rail against child molesters, but what is circumcision besides the ultimate molestation and child mutilation??

There are many You Tube videos on ritual circumcision that is both shocking and indicative of total perversion. You can search for them yourself if you have the stomach.

Luis Castillo and Andrew Anglin of the sometimes outrageous website The Daily Stormer has an excellent article on the subject that is must reading. NO sense in detailing it here, you can read the story for yourself by copying and pasting the following link: 

You may also want to go to:

also on Facebook:


The Blogger

Professional studio photograph of the blogger as a boy was taken in Europe by an unknown portrait photographer of the time.

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Monday, November 5, 2018

GAB, the Censored Social Media.

 GAB, the Censored Social Media

Truth will always endure,  
just like this Arch that stood the test of Time!

The leftist social media is always trying to censor comments made by people who do not subscribe to the dictates of "Silly-Cone" Valley. Facebook, Twitter and other so-called "social media" are very keen to tell their participants what they can say and what they cannot say. They claim to be corporate entities and therefore are not obligated to honor the First Amendment. But, they are the first to howl if anyone infringes on THEIR game. And their game is left wing politics pure and simple. Anyone else is simply hateful.

Some time ago, an outrageous website known as The Daily Stormer posted some unkind things about Charlottesville. You may remember it was advertised by the media as a violent "Nazi" protest. A lefty protester named Heyer was allegedly run over by a "right wing loony." It turns out that story was bogus; according to the girls mother, she died of a heart attack. Nonetheless, The Daily Stormer lost its website and was down off and on for weeks. The site was accused of fomenting the affair. They went through almost 24 hosting companies before they finally landed at their present home. A horrific example of contrived censorship!

The issue here is NOT whether or not you agree with The Daily Stormer. That's irrelevant. The issue should be whether or not the above named companies and the like have the right to act in collusion to censor anyone!

GAB, the alternative social media, had the same thing happen to them by the same hosting company for allegedly being responsible for posting comments by the perpetrator of a recent synagogue shooting.

While threats against anyone are not the way to deal with things, never-the-less, Gab was accused of not censoring the hateful remarks. 

That is stupid. No one can monitor everything all the time. Besides, this shooter has a presence on Facebook, but Facebook was not de-platformed. Now why do you suppose that is?!

De-platforming someone is no different than shutting down a business through violent means. De-platforming is censorship, pure and simple, and there is no excuse for it. Basically, it puts someone out of business in a heartbeat. De-platforming anyone just is the start of a series of actions planned that are designed to promote Communism and left wing politics featuring total control through the written word.

Much of the internet is composed of X-rated material, yet none of them are "de-platformed!"   So, obviously the censorship has little to do with good or bad, only what the corporate world wants!

Many left wing organizations have created riots and mayhem, but are given a free pass by the media. Obviously, there is dirty-work afoot and it is all very carefully scripted through collusion.

There is only one way to deal with this and that is to create the necessary verbal stink whenever censorship is created. The squeaky wheel gets the grease; of that you can be sure.

As much as a dislike writing it, it is beginning to look as though the corporate media world needs to be reined in. They have become utilities of sorts and need to be regulated to assure everyone has a shot at commentary, not just those that please the New World Oder!

 the Blogger 

We post regularly on GAB: 

Facebook: Homefront Books

Our You Tube Channel:
Enter in their Search Box the following:
Hal Scharn Videos of Portugal

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Wednesday, October 31, 2018

What are THEY Afraid of?

What are THEY Afraid of?

The Western Larch is truly 
"Politically Correct" 
no matter what the Season!

The word "they" used here refers to those who think they run the show. "They" means Facebook, Twitter and Google as just three examples. But there are many more. What about the NAACP, the ADL, the FBI and countless public and private agencies or organizations who scream about their favorite subjects? The problem is, the more they scream, the more they want to scream. If they succeed in what they are trying to do, they up the ante and try for more! There is simply no way to satisfy their appetites for control!

The word "offense" has become a regular in the English lexicon. Everyone is "offended." Everything that does not conform to a certain set of arbitrary rules called Political Correctness is subject to the word "hate." I almost never use that word anymore.  I stopped using the word "hate" except in quotes or when it is necessary to describe the word, because it has lost its meaning. What does it mean? Once, it meant "dislike," now it has become a word so weaponized that it is applied anyone and everyone we do not like or disagree with.

Everyone is either being name-called, or ostracized or fired from their job or "banned" from social platform after platform. Take GAB as an example. What is it about GAB that absolutely terrifies "Silly-cone Valley?" Who cares what they say on GAB? If you like it, you can use it, if you don't you can avoid it. Apparently, the real problem here is that free discussion outside of certain parameters causes people to think. And thinking is dangerous. Thinking must be controlled. You must believe this or that, but not that or this, because it is offensive, hateful or not Politically Correct! If you have the nerve enough to ask who decides what is proper to question or discuss, you are denounced as a kook, a hater or worse.

Apparently, it is free discussion of any subject that is not approved by these self-styled members of the "Ministry of Truth," that these people cannot stand. So instead of the internet being a free forum of ideas and thoughts, it is rapidly becoming TV-2, more of the same.

Recently, I had a very interesting conversation with someone who lives in another country. This person is not old, but young and in the prime of life. The individual said that a certain group (one was mentioned specifically, and I will let you guess WHICH one), is only interested in what they assume to be good for them, and nothing more. Therefore, they demonize anyone and anything that gets in their way regardless of whether the discussion is accurate or not. That folks, is the essence of the matter. 

If you will but look around and see what is said and what is promoted continually, it is not difficult to distinguish what is REALLY right and what is REALLY wrong. It is common sense. The best defense against such nonsense is to recognize it for what it is and behave accordingly.

You will be a smarter, happier, and more productive individual, and a better role model for family, friends and country.

These trees are not afraid to be individuals 
and stand out from their peers because of their 
individual characteristics! We need to emulate that principle 
in our own lives!

Harald Hesstvedt Scharnhorst

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Tuesday, October 2, 2018



Be sure to visit You Tube and check out our 46 Videos of Portugal. Simply enter Hal Scharn Videos of Portugal in the You Tube Search Box. By clicking on Playlists, you will find a playlist of several other subjects as well. Our Fall in the Rocky Mountains video collection is now complete, but others are still under production and development.


The Tower of Belem was the point of embarkation for the Portuguese explorers of 500 years ago. Today the "explorers" are tourists, who flock here by the thousands!

The blogger has been fortunate enough to visit more than 25 countries in the world, and while not a record, it is much more than many are able to do. I have also been fortunate enough to be bi-lingual, which opens up many doors of opportunity to become intimate with other cultures.

We can learn from all of them.

Blogger by the Monument honoring Prince Henry the Navigator on the quay along the Rio Tejo, west of the Ponte de 25 Avril in Lisboa, Portugal. Yes, that's an airplane approaching for a landing at Lisboa International Airport in the sky in the background!

Portugal, a country 350 miles long by 150 miles wide is not one of the bigger political entities, but one of the most influential in terms of what it has done for the world.
Portuguese in one form or another is the seventh or eighth most spoken language on earth. While the country can trace its history back several thousand years, it is from approximately 1500 forward that the country made its big earthly impact.

A close-up view of Prince Henry and other explorer-heroes.

were an amazing bunch. They were men of the Sea of the finest order, afraid of little and pursued their curiosity to the four corners of the world. Over time they established themselves in Brazil, Mozambique and Angola as well as the Azores, and areas in the far east.
Some of the famous natives included Vasco da Gama. A long bridge connects Lisboa with the south side of Rio Tejo named Ponte Vasco da Gama.

It is not my purpose here to go into the long history of Portugal, but to draw attention to this amazing land with its beautiful beaches, superb buildings and monuments. Here is a sample of stunning images taken by the blogger while visiting friends in Portugal.

Magoito Praia with surfboard, Portugal.
Stunning Sun and Water reflections 
Candid photographs of
a Swimmer and a Surfer
in the late Afternoon.

Sunset at Sao Juliao Praia, Portugal. 
People enjoying surfing the sunny waters 
watching the Sunset from the cafe at the top of the cliff.

One can spend months exploring the wonders of Portugal and not see it all. But, here are some samples that reflect the amazing architecture of the land and its people.

Cascais, the home of the Wealthy! This place rivals Monaco for its beauty and the extent and wealth of its villas and estates!

The Gates to the City of Lisboa and Rua Augusta.

Street Cafes along the walking street known as
 Rua Augusta in Lisboa.

A magnificent palace along the Rio Tejo.

25 de Avril Bridge across the Rio Tejo in Lisboa.

Typical Street Sign in the magic Kingdom of Sintra!

The fairyland beauty of Sintra, Portugal!

Harald Hesstvedt Scharnhorst

Be sure to visit our
 Homefront Publishing Page on Facebook 
and our regular commentary on GAB:

Also our now released Video Playlists on You Tube:
Hal Scharn Videos of Portugal. There are several other Playlists under development.

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